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I was looking at my outfit in the mirror, worried about if it was good or not. I had just gotten ready for the New Years party.

Sam and Colby were having a party so I was going to go. Sam told me I could bring Jesse if I wanted to so I asked.

Jesse was down to come so he's currently on his way. "You almost ready?" Tyler asked walking in.

I turn around to look at him. "Does this look good?" I ask about the outfit.

I had on black skinny jeans, a sheer undershirt, and a red t-shirt. "Yeah, you pull it off." He told me reassuringly.

I smile towards him as I heard a knock. I went to get it to see it was Jesse. He had on skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a flannel.

I'm still not used to him being here at my apartment. I let him in as he went over to Tyler.

I haven't seen him since we landed. We've been busy with the holidays so I was happy he could make it.

We all waited for Avery to be ready, and once she was, we left. She was driving since she wasn't going to drink.

This year has been crazy. I started it out by throwing up in Colby's bathroom, and I was starting to gain feelings for him.

We eventually started dating and I went through my dance season. We won nationals and I took the job for Justin Bieber.

I made some amazing friends and we toured all of North America and we toured some of Europe.

Colby and I sadly broke up but we're still friends. So much has happened this year, it's been a roller coaster of emotions.

I was happy for everyone to meet Jesse. I know they're going to like him. I mean, how can you not?

He's funny, can make conversation, and he's good to talk to. We all talked on the way to Colby's and I can tell Jesse's nervous.

He's never been to one of their parties before. I was nervous at first too. But I somehow found comfort in them.

I could tell he was shocked whenever we pulled in. There were already cars here and the bass was blasting.

We all get out of the car and head to the party. It was crowded whenever we walk in.

There were people dancing, smoking, and just hanging out. I scanned the room to try to find Colby but I can't find him.

"I'm gonna go get us drinks." Tyler tells me. I nod my head while looking at him.

"I'm going outside to find Colby." I tell him. I look over at Jesse to see he's looking at me weirdly.

"I thought you two broke up?" He asked curiously. I nodded my head towards me.

He followed me to the backyard. "We did. We're still friends though." I remind him.

He just nods again as we look around. I eventually find him playing beer pong.

I went up behind him knowing he was facing away from us.

"You playing without me?" I ask grabbing his attention. He smiled while turning to me.

I could tell he was already tipsy. "You made it!" He came over and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

I smile into his chest, getting hit by his cologne. He pulls away from me and looks back at Jesse.

His demeanor changed when he saw him. I know he was trying to hold back his jealously but I could see it.

"I wanted you to meet Jesse, he's a close friend from the tour." I choose my words carefully.

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