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It's been a few weeks since the whole break up with Colby. Even though we're still friends, I'll admit I went home and cried my eyes out.

Tyler was upset at first, but when I told him we were still going to be friends, he understood.

It's weird though. When Ethan and I broke up, I wasn't that upset. But with Colby, I was heartbroken.

It was bound to happen, but I still didn't want it to happen. I'm just grateful that we're still friends.

The first week, we didn't talk much. We needed the time apart. We've been recently trying to hang out, but not alone, only in a group.

We text often, but it's harder seeing him in person. We told the friend group what happened and they completely understand.

They're just happy that we're trying to be friends. When I go back on tour, I don't want them splitting up.

I still want Tyler and Avery to hang out with everyone else. Thanksgiving was a little hard, I'll admit.

Tyler and Avery were gone to see their families while everyone else is back in their hometowns.

I went back to visit my dad for a couple days. It was nice seeing him and spending time with him.

We had a mixture of his family and my moms side of the family come. I love how my dad still talks to my moms family.

Seeing them made me feel so much better about everything. They asked a lot of questions about tour, which I didn't mind.

I liked telling them stories from everything on tour. The only story I didn't tell was the bar fight in Mexico City.

My cousins wanted to hear stories about Justin and what he was like, so I told them how cool he is.

It was nice seeing them again. It was currently Black Friday and I was on my way from Santa Barbra.

When I get home I have to do a shit ton of laundry and pack for Europe.

We'll be there for three weeks and we'll be flying back for Christmas and New Years.

I was gonna be exhausted from jetlag but that's just part of it. When I get home, I was alone.

Avery and Tyler are Black Friday shopping so I'll have the apartment to myself.

I start laundry and sit on the couch. It was weird not going out and doing something.

In the past four months, I was always doing something. Even when we weren't performing, we were out seeing everything.

It was strange being in my apartment, alone. Even before tour, I had Colby here with me, keeping me company.

It was a strange feeling honestly. As I sat there, searching for something to watch, my phone started ringing.

I look to see Jesse was facetiming me. I told him, Maya, and Levi about what happened between me and Colby.

They were sad to hear it but they understood. I answer the call, his face popping up on the screen.

I lightly smile whenever I see his face. "Hey, how're you feeling?" He asked sweetly.

"I'm alright. You?" He told me he was feeling okay, just a little bored. He asked what my plans were for today.

When I told him how I didn't have any plans other than packing, a little hope came on his face.

"If you want, I could come over and we could hang out." He suggested. I think it sounded like fun.

I told him I could so I gave him the address to my apartment. He told me how he was going to get dressed and come.

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