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We have one leg of the tour left. We're in Auckland right now, and we're about to fly back to Los Angeles.

I've been texting Tyler to see if he's still picking me up from the airport, but he won't answer.

I tried texting Avery and Sam too and they also won't answer. It's honestly making me nervous.

It's four thirty in the morning here, meaning it's eight thirty in the morning there.

We had a twelve hour flight so we were landing around five pm Auckland time, ten pm there.

My leg was bouncing up and down out of nerves. "You okay?" Jesse asked noticing.

I debated on lying, but I couldn't handle bottling it up again. "Tyler, Sam, and Avery aren't answering." I explain.

Avery is usually up early so I should have heard something from her. He placed his hand on my knee, trying to calm me down.

"It's okay, they're probably still sleeping." He tries to tell me. Maybe they had a late night.

He could be right so I don't try to think about it anymore. They called for our plane so we all get on it.

I sit next to Jesse, right by the window. Jesse had a lot of movies downloaded for us.

I put my Beats in the dual headphone adapter so we can watch movies.

We were going to be watching a lot of comedy movies. He had a lot of good ones downloaded.

Twelve hours later, we had seen all of his movies. The Interview, Kick Ass, We're the Millers, and more just like that.

The movies really helped distract me from the three not answering. Jesse and I were laughing our asses off at the movies.

When we get off the plane, I check my phone. Still no messages from anyone. That made me feel way more nervous.

Maybe they're trying to surprise me. We go to baggage claim, making conversation with Jesse.

I told him how they still haven't responded. Somethings definitely happening. When I get my bags, I tell Jesse I'm gonna order an Uber.

"I was going to order one too, but if you need me to come with you, I can." He offered.

I thought about it for a second, but I asked him to come with me. I just have a bad feeling about them not answering.

We wait for an Uber to come and pick us up. Once here, we put our things in the trunk.

Jesse thanks the driver knowing I'm too nervous to talk. The whole way to the apartment, I stared out the window.

When we get to the building, I help Jesse with our bags. We each had two suitcases of clothes.

I rush up to the apartment, nervous from not hearing from them.

I'm so worried, I wasn't tired from the jetlag. I go into the apartment to see everyone in the living room.

Everyone but Colby. They all get quiet as they see me come in. "What the fuck is going on?" I ask looking at everyone.

Jesse was quiet beside me. They all had worried expressions on their faces.

"Why haven't you guys been messaging me back?" I ask a little bit pissed.

Tyler stood up to talk to me. Sam had his head in his hands. "We need to tell you something." Tyler told me calmly.

My heart was beating in my chest while looking at him. "Tell me what?" I ask confused.

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