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"Thank you for lunch." Lesa smiled at me when we sat down. I smiled while looking at her.

The both of us went to In and Out so Colby could talk to his dad, Gage, and Sam.

Sam let me take his car since he drove us all to the hospital. Colby isn't as high as he was last night.

I don't think he remembers telling me that he loves me, so I won't bring it up. "It's really no problem." I tell her.

We wanted to see if anyone else wanted food but they said they wanted to be there for Colby.

"Colby told me you went on tour." Lesa made conversation. I smile while thinking of it.

"Yeah, we go back to Europe in a couple weeks." I explain to her. She bit into her food while listening.

"How do you like it?" She asked once she finished chewing. "I love it. I've been wanting to do it ever since I was little." I explain.

Just like Colby, she's super easy to talk to. She reminds me a lot of my mom. She gives off this warm and comforting vibe.

It makes all my nervousness about meeting her go away. I ended up showing her some videos the group took of me when they came.

It was during What do you mean. You could literally see the happiness on my face.

The camera panned over to Colby as he watched me. He wasn't even looking at Justin, he was watching me in awe.

I shifted in my seat while looking at Lesa. She was looking at it softly. When it finished, she looked at me.

"Oh wow." I lock my phone and put it in my pocket. "He has so much love for you." I almost choke on my cheeseburger.

She looks at me shockingly. "Has he not said that yet?" It's not her fault, she didn't know.

I didn't want to bring up what he said last night, not yet at least. "No. I just never thought he felt that for me." I shrug.

She looked at me like I was stupid which made me giggle. "I can tell when my son is in love with a girl." She started.

"And that lucky girl is you." I could feel myself start to heat up. I then started doubting myself a little.

Could he still be in love with me like I am with him? "You think he's still in love with me?" I probably shouldn't be asking this.

But who knows Colby better than his mom? She nodded her head.

"After you two broke up, he never said anything bad about you. And that video proof that he does."

I furrowed my eyebrows towards her. She took a sip of her drink before speaking.

"The way he was looking at you is the way Layne looked at me when we first started dating." I don't know why I never thought of it.

Probably because I never got to talk like this to my mom. It's weird to be a teenage girl and talk about a guy you like to your dad.

Plus, I had Tyler as a best friend so I only had a guys perspective. But then I met Kat and Stas and they helped so much.

I honestly liked having this talk with Lesa. She's so caring and sweet. I made sure to thank her, for the talk while we finish eating.

We head back to the hospital so we could see everyone. I honestly enjoyed eating with her.

It felt like I was eating with my mom again. When we walk in, they were talking.

They turned over to look at us. "You're back. How was lunch?" Layne asked Lesa as she went over to him.

She explained how it went well and winked toward me. I smile as I lean against the wall.

I look over towards Colby. He was sitting in the hospital bed and already looking at me.

He smiled at me softly causing me to do the same. We talked for a little bit, but the three boys left to eat.

Lesa's phone started ringing causing her to look at it. "It's your Aunt Cheryl, I'm gonna go take this." She stood up so she could leave.

Once she was out of the room, Colby turned over to me. "I'm worried about you, Cassie." He rasped.

"You're laying in a hospital bed and you're worried about me?" I lightly tell him. He tries to laugh, but I can tell it hurt him.

"I'll be fine. Are you taking care of yourself?" Honestly I'm not. I'm forcing myself to eat and I'm exhausted.

I've barely slept since I flew back from Australia. I'm not telling him any of this though.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." I can't believe I flew in last night.

It's been the longest few hours. "What did you and my mom talk about at lunch?" He asked changing the subject.

"Wouldn't you like know?" I ask smirking a little bit. He rolls his eyes towards me, a small smile forms on his lips.

His face softened up meaning he thinking about something. "Thanks for coming. With your flight back, I didn't know you knew." He told me.

I really had no idea. It was trending on twitter and the word had spread really fast.

"Tyler told me right when I came home. I drove here almost instantly." I remember.

It doesn't feel like it happened twelve hours ago. It feels like a whole lifetime ago.

"I'm just surprised you came. Last night when you did, I thought it was just the morphine." That broke my heart.

"Did you think I wasn't going to come?" I ask shocked. He lightly nodded his head.

"When I yelled at you on New Years, I thought you were mad at me." He started.

This might sound wrong, but maybe this is what we needed.

Him getting into this wreck might be the thing that brings us together again.

"And then when I sent you those songs and you didn't reply, I thought you hated me." He admitted.

I shook my head towards him. I take his free hand and hold it gently. His touch brings shock back into my body.

"No matter how far away I am from you, I could never hate you." I tell him wholeheartedly.

It's true though, and that's how I know I love Colby. When I learned I could've lost him, I had a panic attack.

I couldn't bare the thought that I could've lost him too. "I'm here for the long run, Colby." I admit to him.

It's just like Justin says every night, if it's not Colby it's not anyone. Hopefully he understands the hint I'm trying to tell him.

Before we could talk about it, a bunch of footsteps came in. I look over to see all of our friends.

Kat and Stas were holding balloons. Avery was holding a teddy bear while Tyler had flowers.

Addison followed behind them with a card in her hand. A big smile grew on his face when he saw everyone.

I took my hand away from his so no one could see it. I look over to see Stas eyeing me a little. It was really nice to see everyone here.

Colby really seemed to enjoy seeing everyone. I think it made him a little bit better.

His mom came back in here and introduced herself to everyone. We had a packed room whenever the three boys came back.

That's why I love my group of friends. No matter whats going on, they're always super supportive.

I love the three I met from tour, don't get me wrong, these people are just like my family.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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