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Before I could say anything to Colby, a doctor walks in. He looks at Colby, then at me.

"You must be Cassie. Is it okay if I talk to you outside?" I nodded my head while wiping a tear from my face.

I follow him out into the hallway. I had no idea what he's going to say.

"Colby's going to be okay, right?" I asked worriedly. He looked through his papers and nodded his head.

"He's a fighter. He has a punctured lung but we went into surgery and fixed it." He's gotta be in so much pain.

"He has a few broken ribs, a broken wrist, finger, and a sprained ankle. Other than that, he has a some scrapes and bruises."

I feel so bad for Colby. I definitely should've been here for him, but at least he's okay.

"How long will it take him to recover?" I ask him. I have to go back to tour in two weeks.

How was I suppose to leave him again? "Six to eight weeks." He answered. I didn't want to leave him.

I nod my head while looking at me. "Thank you for everything you did for him." He just gives me a reassuring smile.

"He's lucky to have you. Ever since he woke up, he's been asking to see you." That caught me off guard.

I had no idea that he was asking for me. He walked away, looking at his clipboard.

I quickly text Sam to tell him Colby's awake. I go back in there to see he was laying there with his eyes closed.

"Hey." I say grabbing his attention. He barely opened his eyes again, looking over at me.

A smile came onto his face. "I didn't think you would come." He admitted. I go over and sit on the chair next to him.

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask at him. He just shrugs while thinking about it.

"The last time I saw you, I yelled at you. I shouldn't have done that." He was definitely still high on morphine.

I can tell by the way he's talking. "It's fine, Colby." He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head.

"No. I'm sorry. I just love you and don't want to see you with another person." He admitted.

My breath caught in my throat as he said that. Colby loves me? It couldn't be true. It's the morphine, right?

I was honestly shocked. But it honestly adds up with his actions. When we broke up, he told me how he didn't want to fully lose me.

He got jealous whenever I brought Jesse to the party and we fought about it. He sent me those songs after we drank in Australia.

No matter what happened, we just couldn't let each other go. That brings me back to something Tyler said.

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it was always yours. If not, it never was.

I hate to say it, but what if this happened for a reason. As we sat there and talked, a nurse told me visiting hours are over.

I understand. I tell Colby I'll see him in the morning as he smiles. The adrenaline was starting to wear off.

The no sleep and jetlag isn't helping either. My body was tired from the amount of times I have to dance a night.

My mind is tired from everything I've went through in the past few hours. I was surprised to see Sam in the waiting room.

"Sam?" I ask shocked. He snapped his head up and looked at me. He had dark circles and bags under his eyes.

I know he must be under a lot of stress. His best friend since he was a teenager is in the hospital.

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