Dreams are dangerous

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I slowly put the Diary of Demi on the table next to me and stood there in pure silence.
What the hell did I just read.

I felt extremely uncomfortable and maybe even scared as I read those pages...
I walked to the chair behind me to sit down and breathe for a moment.
What person would torture innocent people like that and force them to play a sick snd twisted "game"...

I wondered how no one ever found out about this, never have I read a police report about this manor, nor did I see an article about it from an other detective finding out about this place.
How is that possible?

I put the thought aside and focused on the main story again.

So they were playing a game...
Patricia, Luca, Aesop and Vera against the hunter Wu chang.
They needed to decode 5 cipher machines to get out and escape, only to end up at the manor again.. Now another eight people were missing.
I tried to organise my thoughts a bit more, there were so many people in the story...

I was starting to slightly massage my temples while thinking about the diaries more and more.

Maybe I should take some notes,

"but before I'll  need to search this room in greater detail once more.."
I said to myself.

I slowly stood up from the chair and took a new candle that I found on the floor.
I lightened it and started walking around.
The door that was nailed up still didn't open and I didn't really find anything new.
Still, I couldn't tell what the symbol on the wall was  and the bunch of newspapers didn't have anything relevant written on them either..

I was walking to the other side of the room until I noticed something weird.

"Wait, the flooring sounds strange here.."

I kneeled down to the floor and pulled the red and moist carpet away carefully.
What the hell?
After I pulled the carpet away I saw a slight difference between the floor under the carpet and the flooring of the rest of the room.
As I touched it a creaking sound appeared and the strange flooring revealed itself to be a secret shaft to another hidden room below me..

" I should have tried this earlier"
I sighed before climbing down the ladder.

As I arrived at the floor my conclusion appeared to be true

" This looks like a secret room... hmm?"

I carefully walked around the strange cellar until I suddenly stepped on something sharp.

I looked down to see what it was, it sounded like glass..
A bottle?
I looked forward and inspected the room again.

I started to feel even more uncomfortable as I was walking around the room.
To my right I found a large table that seemed like it had been used for experiments, that seemed to have taken place here...
As I was continuing to walk forward I saw an old and rotten chair with straps attached to it, that looked just as decomposed as the chair itself.

"The straps look like they were used for an extended period of time.."
I said to myself

" There are also some stains on the table, but they have long since dried up."

I wondered if the stains were blood but put that thought away quickly. I knew exactly that it was..
I felt sick.

" These instruments and the makeshift operating table... what are they supposed to mean..?

Turning around I walked back to the direction I came from and passed a small closet.
I frowned and inspected it more precisely.
The wooden texture was old and slowly started to fall apart, it felt very rough and fragile just like the big tinted windows that were decorating the closet.

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