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Nortons Diary

" Do you know what that thing is?"

Tracy didn't take her eyes of that machine before us.

" It's a cipher machine."
She quickly walked towards it.
" Come here, I'll show you how it works..."

She seemed very nervous.. her breathing was very fast and her hands were slightly shaking...

" Are you okay..?"
She looked at me for a really long time and then just shook her head quietly.

I don't know how we ended up here, all I know is that I suddenly fell asleep and then woke up in some kind of lobby, tied to a chair, together with Mike, William and Tracy.
Then I got unconscious again and woke up here... at some kind of abandoned circus..
It didn't take long until I found Tracy and since that moment we sneaked around this place together, exploring it and looking for the others.

" Okay.. The decoding won't be that easy but I'll try my best to explain.."

I nodded and then she begun to tell me how to fix these machines, it sounded easy but as soon as I started working with that big clump of metal I noticed that it wasn't easy at all.
We worked on it for a few minutes until Tracy suddenly stopped decoding and looked up

" Is that William?"

Now I looked up too and saw William Ellis running towards us with a look of pure fear on his face.

"William!!" I shouted.
He widened his eyes and finally reached us.
He rested his hands on his knees and breathed loudly.

" Shh! Norton, you can't shout.."

I scratched my head "Ahh sorry.."

Tracy took a step closer towards William

" Are you okay? What happened?"

He looked at her with worry , starting to play with his hair while his breathing still didn't calm down.

" Uhm.. So I- I woke up here, on the other side of this place.. I walked around for a bit and then I saw someone, or something.."

My heart skipped a beat, the killer..

" Was it the same from last game? Wu chang?"
Tracy asked hastily.

William swallowed before answering.
" No... It's eh.. It was a clown."

Tracy looked at me with shock while her hands started to shake more and more.

" There are more.."
She whispered.

I looked around the place carefully, inspecting the whole thing, it was a huge carneval with a circus, but it was rotten and broken just like the rollercoaster we were standing next to.
Suddenly it hit me.

"Mike.. Have you seen him,William?!"
He shook is head.

" He might be in danger, I need to find im as soon as possible."

William grabbed my wrist.

" Norton! It will be dangerous, I will come with you!"

I looked at him and then at Tracy who looked at me with big scared eyes.

" No.. I got this. It's better if you help Tracy decode."
With that I ran off.

Mikes Diary

I was hiding in the small locker in the cellar.
That clown entered the tent while I was just trying to decode..
I tried to control my breathing but it was too loud.. Damn it!
A tear of shock rolled down my cheek. I was shaking so bad..
I just hoped they wouldn't find me and go down to the cellar..
I swallowed again due to the loud and heavy footsteps of the killer which where right above me. My whole body was trembling, I just wanted to go home..
The clowns footstep sounded more distant, he was leaving the tent. I finally got some relief as I noticed a little fruit fly flying through the little slot of the locker.

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