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My amazing dreams of eating a feast of sheep, cows, pigs, sheep, fish and sheep were rudely interrupted. To be more exact, by a large Earthbound. Marsh stuck his head into the water and blew air bubbles into my snout until I woke up. I jumped out of the water and slapped him with my tail. "Oops, I slipped." I said, as Marsh spluttered, regurgitating the seaweed I flung into his mouth.

But seriously, if a dragon insisted on blowing bubbles at another, wasn't he just asking to be bitten? Ash's wings were burning again, with flames that will never go out and had the SUSPICIOUSLY GUILTY look on his face.

"I burned the books." He said meekly with a sheepish grin.

I glared at him. Wait.

Why did we need books again?

YEEKS. I almost forgot about what we were supposed to do. Sky was already flapping in circles around us, flipping and diving in the sky, and I caught Ash looking at her wistfully. As we continued flying, Marsh began telling us random things we did not appreciate.

"Do you know that there's two other continents in the world humans call 'North America' and 'South America'? It's another two continents! Some dragons think that more people live there, I think its a fact, no one ever went there and came back."

[The world is an alternate reality to the world we live in. So the lands are the same, global warming is the same, and people live in small bunches like 20 people a country.]

[The story technically takes place in Europe, Oceania, Africa and Asia]

"Did you know that when mosquitoes suck your blood, they use it to reproduce? We're technically parents of a lot of mosquitoes."

"Did you know that if you don't shut up, Marsh, I'm gonna bite you?" Snapped Ash. That clearly was the straw that broke Ash's camel's back.

Marsh grinned, flicking his tail in Ash's face playfully.

Someone is so gonna get bitten today. Ah well, YOLO.

Ash bared his teeth at Marsh and chased him through the air, crisscrossing and circling around the group.

"Woah, big mountain." Said Winter, flipping in the air.

"Don't do that." Said Sky sharply.

Windstorm and Blackberry sucked in a breath.

At the bottom of the mountain, the sea green water fell away, leaving the ruins of a underwater city in its place. The smell of decomposing corpses were overwhelming, and everyone coughed and hacked. The coral walls were crumbling, void of colour.

My supposed home.


"Yikes!' Sky cried, "That looks bad. Like really really bad."

"The legendary SMACWBHLW can do this! Let's go!" Called Marsh cheerfully.

"The SMA- What?" I demanded, landing lightly in the mushy ground.

"The Sky-Marsh-Ash-Coral-Winter-Blackberry-Hurricane-Leo-Windstorm!"

"Wow. Very creative." Snorted Blackberry.

"But infinitely better than 'Marsh- The Awesome Lord Of Everything." Admitted Ash.

"But...but... the name Marsh is the best name!" Stuttered Marsh.

Cuz you're Marsh, Marsh. I poked my claws into a dead piece of coral. I glanced at the wall of water around me. It was cut off perfectly, and everything within the circle of fire had died. The ruins smelled like dead fish, and it was even more terrifying here. Beyond the dry seabed, aquatic life had suddenly bloomed, the coral reef dotted with waving fans and dark purple ferns. Yellow and sliver flashed around, diving into small holes in the reef. Small parts of the reef were covered in algae, the green creeping over the purplish-pink. Sun coloured tendrils grew from the ground, waving happily in the sea.

My waterglow crawled across the streets that were made of cobbled reef, grey in death. The place was overall the mark of vengeance, hatred and greed.

"Do you want to see what it used to look like?"

"Yes. Please." I muttered.

Blackberry pressed a talon gently against my temple, and balls of light formed around my head, soaring over to the streets, the houses...

Like a picture coming to life, the colours went up a few notches.

Ash and Sky swore loudly.

The coral houses were bright, and the kelp gardens rose again, rippling in a non-existent watery breeze. Some waterglows were curled outside of the corals. The streets were dappled in the blue light from the sun.

This was a picture of a time of peace. No war.

A new question sparked in my mind. Why did the Solarflares suddenly start a war?

The other two dragon species were divided in choice, it was hard. No one got friendly with strangers, it was likely that they would betray you or something. [The Weird Harry Potter Moment You Can't Put Your Finger On] The Solarflares were powerful, but they were very... aah...merciless? Is that how you say that? I read in a book about the fire dragons killing their own kind if one failed at a task. It was horrible, while the Waterblasts helped nature and...

Humans. Cannibalistic. Always hurting the environment, to build whatever kind of metallic horse with short round legs. Fighting and hunting other species, fighting with each other...

Little like us, actually.

Ever since the Solarflares gave humans the gift of lightning , they had turned cold and RIDICULOUSLY unhelpful. Like electricity sucked all the friendliness out of them. This was the place where the first fight happened.

"Hey, that's my house!" Said Winter happily, nosing the sea green house.

"You had a waterglow too?"

"Yep. He was Mr. Wiggydoodles! Best waterglow in the universe!"

I decided not to ask what happened to it. How old was Winter? The war started 15 years ago. Winter looked young, but he had ancient eyes. Waterblasts reached their full size after 10 years of growth, so I still had three years to go. Solarflares took only 5 years, Skyclouds 7 years, and Earthbound 15 years. Marsh was fully grown, so he probably was older than 15.

Marsh grunted. "The smell of dead fish is not helping me, lets continue flying." Waving his wings in front of his snout, he leapt into the air and hovered above the crater, muttering about loss of his appetite.

The light faded away, the kelp collapsed into ash, and the waterglows disappeared.

I coiled my waterglow along my tail and caught the air with my wings.

It was going to be so hard to stop the war.

We did not know what even was the cause.

Then how could we stop it?

What could the so called legendary 'smawcbhlw' do about the war?

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