What goes around, comes around

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"Okay... um... I think I'm gonna lose my marbles here." Muttered Winter.

"Shut it. Stop talking." Snapped Windstorm.

"Stop using your reserves you two! Shush!"

The guards are coming... damn.

A large hunk of shrivelled meat which looked like a dragon head landed with a loud thump. It was mostly made out of bone and the scraps of meat did not look appetising.

"I'll give you five seconds. Eat up."

No one moved, because everyone was struggling to keep the stench out of their nose.

"Fine. Whatever. Starve." Grumbled the Solarflare, engulfing the meat with a bolt of flame and burning it whole till it crumbled into a pile of ash. Then he turned tail and left.

Before the dragon left, he turned back at glared at all of the Hydroblasts trapped in the stone cage, "I hope you die in your sleep tonight."


Blackberry couldn't rest, she couldn't sleep, not because of her Shadowground characteristics, but because of nerves. Tonight was the night.

But she had to ensure that Ash would be safe. Lucky she dropped some of he own thoughts in that dark Earthbound's brain by accident. The useful ones, at least. Flood the Fire Kingdom. Granted, she had a sneaking suspicion that the Solarflares were the only reason why the empire was so hot in the first place.

"Are you sure you can do it today?"

"Yeah." Muttered Winter. "The fiery atmosphere will not be able to hold it back."


Ash bobbed above the volcano, the tips of his claws dipped in the lava. "Amber... I REALLY don't want to be slapped by those overprotective dragons."

Amber dumped Leo into the volcano as a reply.

The Earthbound yelped and began frantically paddling to stay afloat, his wings aggressively hitting the lava which began moving and swirling sluggishly along, little blobs flying high and dissipating into sparks. Ash was keeping an eye on him, ready to yank him out if the need arose.

Something seemed to suddenly strike the dragon, and the Earthbound made one large splash that caused even more lava to soar through the air and leapt from the depths of the fire water. Leo rammed his head into Ash's side and pushed him away from the volcano. Ash struggled against him until Amber dove in and yanked Ash away, pulling him away from the lava hole. Luckily the Earthbound stopped pushing Ash and stayed still, if you didn't count him dipping and rising about five feet up and down along with the rhythm of his beating wings.

"There's going to be an eruption." She murmured, glancing anxiously at the lava filled hole which was letting out a low rumble like a large oversized dragon growling at its enemies. "Aren't we like fire dragons? Does it make a difference?"

She rolled her eyes. "Hello? Remembered Earth and Water dragons are stuck here?"

"Oh my SUNS."

There was nothing he could do now. It was too late, the lava was-


The lava was cooling.

What was going on?

Then the cooled molten rock exploded, the world seemed to fall away, cascade of water spilled down the sides of the mountain.

This is a warning.

Ash grabbed Amber's forearm and pulled her away from the circle of fire and knocked as many rock off its course of hitting Solarflares, before Leo gathered the earth to create a shield that was blocking anyone else from being harmed by the lava stone, but that wasn't going to hold the water back.

The Fire Kingdom was getting slapped back in the face for attacking the Hydroblasts.

Now the inhabitants of the Empire had to evacuate.

Now nothing could hold the Hydroblasts back.

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