S/o that wants to dress up as the slashers & Hellboy

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Michael Myers OG

At first he would be confused, y/n are you dressed up as me?

When he finds out you are using a plastic/fake knife he will give you a real one, more specifically it would probably be his knife

And since you are dressed up as him why not go one step further and kill someone You may have regretted dressing up as him...

He won't change his routine if you are wearing this outfit and he won't treat you any differently

If you steal his mask and put it on he will be pissed, stab you and or choke you he doesn't want that part of his life to also be a part of yours as well

Michael Myers RZ

He wouldn't understand why your doing this, but he does think you look cute in the dark blue jumpsuit

If you try to act like him or mimic his behavior he will instantly be annoyed, dressing up as him is one thing but acting like him is a WHOLE other thing

Michael will want you to wear the jumpsuit and ONLY the jumpsuit more often and will leave it on your bed in the morning.

If you ask beg him to he might teach you how to properly stab someone and were to stab someone so they bleed out an die

You will most likely wake up to 5 more pairs of jumpsuits placed on the bed waiting for you

Billy Loomis

When he walked in on you trying it on, he couldn't stop looking at you, you looked great

Ngl tho he thought you looked really hot

Occasionally will ask you to wear it for him

He will take multiple photos and videos of you wearing it

If your ok with it he'll bring you with him and Stu to go 'hunting'

Stu Macher

When he first see's you wearing it he immediately starts to hype you up and compliment you (He is your personal cheerleader)

He will tell Billy and won't stop talking about how good you looked in it. 

Stu will definitely as you to model for him (he will take MANY pictures)

He will want you to wear it more often and if you loose it he has no problem getting you three more

Danny Johnson/Jed Olsen

He will remain as smug as ever when he see's you wearing it

Don't be surprised if he teases you about how you want to be like him so much. he will stop teasing if you threaten to stop wearing it

Even if you beg him not to he will take you to a fresh crime scene of his and ask you to "Pose for the camera", he will hold you at knife point if you refuse to do it. You will do it

If you don't have a pair of leather gloves he'll give you his, maybe....Danny will bring you with him when he goes to 'work'

Amanda Young

At first she'll be insecure because she thinks you are making fun of her, so you might have to explain to her that that's not the case

But even so there are two ways of this happening Choice A: She tells you to take it off because she doesn't want her personal life getting involved with her stabby stabby life

Choice B: She might see it as cute and sweet and ask you to turn around so she can take in how you look, after that she will act like nothing is different and carry on with her day to day routine

Either way she won't know how to react and might even feel overwhelmed

Hannibal Lecter

(He doesn't really have a trademark outfit so instead I'm doing another format)

When he found you trying on one of his suits, he just took you to a store to get you your own

You will have to explain to him that's not the point of what you're doing

He will catch on quickly and will compliment you on how you look Hannibal is also one of the only slashers that won't take you to go kill someone at least not completely

If you ever dress up like him again he won't complain and he will shower you with compliments

Brahms Heelshire

(He doesn't really have an outfit that stands out so instead I'm doing another format)

When he first see's you wearing one of his cardigans he thinks you look really cute

He won't stop calling you "Pretty y/n"\If you take off the cardigan he'll throw a tantrum till you put it back on

Brahms will expect you to wear his cardigan all the time now and won't allow you to wear something else

He will steal all your clothes so that you have to wear his cardigan


When he first see's you wearing his trench coat with a black shirt and a pair of black jeans he thinks your making fun of him You might have to explain to him that your not making fun of him and that you wanna dress up as him, he will most likely tease you

Other than him teasing you and bringing it up every chance he gets he will think you look cute

he will never tell you that though

This will also boost his ego and you will never hear the end of it

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