Slashers reacting to their s/o being stressed

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Michael Myers

Will not comfort you or help you in anyway.

Deadass ignores you.

Though if you beg enough he might agree to let you hug him for comfort.

If you cry he'll just leave for a while till he thinks you've stopped.

He seriously is the worst person to ask for comfort.

Poly Ghostface

Stu will get you anything you need. He'll offer you cuddles too.

Billy will be very understanding and will be there for you/comfort you in the more emotional parts of your stress.

Billy will also agree to group hugs if you need it.

Hannibal Lecter


Congratulations you have just won a free therapy session with Dr. Lecter! If you agree to the therapy session he will unravel more than just your stress.

Because Hannibal is well...Hannibal he will offer you drugs to calm your nerves, specifically mushrooms.

Bo Sinclair

Will be an asshole at first but once he realizes how stressed you are he will tone it down.

Offers you a beer to calm down.

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