Chapter 1

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I felt someone grab my waist as they pulled me closer to them. Mild warmth was blowing against my back as this unknown person and I stood still, all I could hear was the crackle of fire and our heavy breathing. I could feel their eyes trail up and down my body, as if they were checking me out.

"Y/n?" I heard a voice speak softly.

"Y-yeah?" I responded nervously.

I felt a hand move to my back and they started rubbing it.

"Y/n, hellooooo earth to Y/n?" I heard the voice speak again.

I instantly shot whoever this was a confused expression.

"Y/n! wake up!" the voice shouted this time.

I shot awake only to realize I had fallen asleep in class. I looked around me nervously to all the people either staring at me while covering their mouths holding back their laughter, or ones who snuck glances every so often. I felt my face get red in embarrassment and I groaned.

"There you are Y/n! Can you promise not to fall asleep again so I can teach?" I heard my teacher say to me.

So he was the mysterious voice. I thought I wasn't drowning in crippling loneliness for once as well, instead this just proves I'm the loneliest fucking person. I sighed in disappointment sucking up any negative feelings.

"Yeah, I promise I won't fall asleep again. Sorry for any inconvenience," I responded disappointedly.

I saw the teacher raise an eyebrow but then shrugged whatever he was thinking off. He slowly walked back to the chalkboard continuing to talk about whatever topic this was. I started staring off into space thinking about the weird dream. Who was that, could it be my future boyfriend..? Nah, it was probably just my subconsciousness reminding me how screwed I am. The end of my senior year is coming up along with the annual Bonfire Dance celebration, and I have NO ONE and I barely have any idea what I want to go to college for. I got snapped out of my depressing head space by the sound of the bell. I groaned as I got up.

"Hey Y/n, mind coming over here? I need to talk to you," my teacher said while gesturing to the seat next to him.

I did an unnoticeable eye roll as I walked over and sat next to him.

"I noticed your grades are getting a bit concerning, yes they're still holding up, but is everything ok? You would usually be freaking out over anything below a 80%," I heard the teacher ask me.

Straight to the point, huh teach? I looked down sadly.

"I guess... I've just been worried about the end of the year coming up," I responded in a whisper.

He looked surprised by my honesty and directness. Then again no one else only has like... 3-4 friends, so they don't have to depend on a good adult figure in their life.

"Would you like to elaborate more on this?" he asked starting to push for answers.

I thought about it, if I should tell him or not. On one hand I could probably benefit from his help, on the second hand I would have to tell him about how I feel lonely in my love life AND that I don't know what I want to go to college for. I made my decision.

"I guess.. I've just been feeling lonely, and scared about the future..." I said sadly.

I was such a disappointment to everyone I knew. The teacher rubbed his chin thinking of a response.

"Well... why don't you continue to stay after class for a bit so I can try and help you figure stuff out, we can go over what you like and dislike and choose a career from there," he confidently said as to assure me. "As for the feeling of loneliness... do you mean..?" he started asking waiting for me to finish his sentence.

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