Chapter 10

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It's been two days since I was sick. Two days since I yelled at Shoichi and the others. Now I sit up on the rooftop alone during our lunch period while waiting for class to start. There was a light autumn breeze blowing through the air. I breathed in deep and held my breath for a few seconds and then released the pressure in my chest. I feel exhausted, that is the only thing I'm able to feel right now. I felt my phone buzz and didn't check it, I know it's going to be one of my friends checking on me. I just want to be left alone, I don't want anybody talking to me. As I was taking in how nice it felt, I heard the door creak open.

"Oh? Sorry, didn't realize someone else was up here! Do you mind if I eat lunch up here?" A voice asked apologetically.

I didn't look back but I slowly nodded my head.

"Thanks! I really like the breeze up here, along with the view," the voice responded happily.

The silence felt nice and I closed my eyes and sat on the cool ground. I was about to fall asleep until the person spoke up again.

"You don't look very good, is everything ok?" They asked.

Well that was... out of nowhere. I didn't say anything, I just want to be left alone. Please stop talking to me.

"Hm, I get the feeling now you want to be left alone. Well if that's the case I'll stop bothering you, but I come up here every lunch period to eat, so if you ever want to chat I'll be here!" They said happily.

It would be nice to chat with them, but I've already made up my mind for today, I don't want to talk. The bell started ringing and after that the rest of the day felt like a blur. When I got home I heard the TV on and smelled the strong sickly scent of alcohol. I tried to make as little noise as possible, when I didn't want to speak to anyone I meant ANYONE, including my parents. The floorboard creaked and my mom perked up at the noise.

"Hey, you. Get over here, I need to speak with you," my mom said softly.

I approached her cautiously and she patted the seat next to her and I sat down. Has she come to cry to me again before beating me?

"Look, I know I haven't been the best mom." She started saying.

Wow what a good apology! Just get it over with already.

"But I'm going to try to be better, ok?" She finished.

I didn't respond and stared at her. She looked like she was getting frustrated but then calmed herself down.

"Tonight was my last night of drinking, I promise to be better," she said lightly.

Wow, what happened to the wicked witch we all hated and despised? I got up from my seat and walked to my room. I wonder what dad threatened her with to get her to do that, or did she have a change of heart that quickly? Whatever is happening, it's better than getting slapped. I went to my bed to lay down and drifted off into sleep. I felt the cool autumn breeze again, along with someone holding my hand.

"This feels nice... I've always wanted to be here with someone, and now you being here with me just makes it better!" A familiar voice said excitedly.

I looked over at them, I couldn't make out their figure. I looked down and saw our hands interlocked and looked back up. I felt myself blushing and looked away, but two finger grab my chin and turn my face back. Our face's were almost touching and instead of pulling away they leaned in. Then I woke up, this is why I hate you brain. I checked my clock and it was 3AM, I still had homework to do so I decided to stay up the rest of the time and do that. When I was done I checked the time again and saw it was time to go to school. I checked my phone and saw 15 messages from Shoichi and 4 from Monika. I ignored them and started getting ready. When walking into school I saw the group talking and try to intercept me but I start speed walking away from them with my head down. I think I managed to escape but then I bumped into someone.

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