Chapter 6

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QUICK NOTE: This part of the story will be seen by Shoichi for reasons that you'll see later in this chapter!

"Y/n!" I shouted.

I saw them fall to the ground and the creature tearing at their stomach while eating their flesh. I couldn't move, fear paralyzed me. Just then I heard the entrance door get busted down and police ran towards us and pulled out their guns.

"SIR! GET OFF THE BODY!" One of the police men shouted.

The... body? Will Y/n die because of me? The creature turned towards the police, screamed, and started running at them. I heard a loud gunshot ring through my ears. I saw smoke from an officer's gun and saw the creature drop.

"Someone go check on that kid in the floor, another one of you go check on the person that's awake," one of the police men demanded.

I saw people rush into the building and carry out Y/n. I reached out my hand for them but my arm was really weak from being bitten. A police man came over to me.

"Are you alright? Are there any more of you?" He asked.

I nodded my head slowly and pointed towards the room where Monika fell. They rushed over there and picked up the door. I saw more people come in and carry her out, to what I presumed to be an ambulance. One of them came over to me.

"Hey, can you walk?" They asked.

I stood up on shaky legs and they helped me up.

"We're going to transport you to a hospital, alright?" They said.

I was helped over to an ambulance where they wrapped my shoulder in bandages. I just noticed how much it started to hurt. I was transported to a room where they checked up on me and told me I'd be good. I then asked them the question that's been burning in my mind.

"Are my friends going to be ok?" I asked.

"One of them is currently in a coma, the other you can come and see," the nurse said.

"Take me to them," I said hopefully.

I was lead out of the room and brought to a new room where I saw Monika sitting up on the bed with her eyes wide and staring at her legs.

"Hey Monika, you ok?" I asked as I entered her room.

She looked at me and started crying. I did a light run over to her and started trying to comfort her.

"Hey Monika, what's wrong?" I asked.

"EVERYTHING! Are you joking? After what we just went through how are you not freaking out? They won't let me out of this stupid bed or let me see Y/n!" She shouted.

"I heard they were in a coma..." I said to her.

She stopped everything and I saw more tears forming in her eyes. It seems she finally processed everything and is now having a response.

"This is all my fault, if I just helped them this wouldn't have happened. If I was brave I could have prevented this," I said, disappointed in myself.

"The person I've been chasing for years could possibly die and that's because of me! Why didn't I help them?!" I shouted at myself.

I felt tears form in my eyes as I slammed my fist against the wall. I collapsed onto the floor and used a desk as support for my back. I started crying into my arms but wiped my tears away. I stayed in this position for a few minutes until I stood back up. I looked at Monika who was still crying.

"Monika, Y/n is going to be alright. I know them and they'll get through this," I said to her.

"But will they? What did you see? What happened to them in the abandoned hospital?" She asked.

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