Chapter 9

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Pitch black is all I saw. Silence is all I heard. Did I die? Wait... no. I feel something, something warm. Then the sound of rapid footsteps cut in along with someone huffing.

"You're going to be ok, don't worry I've got you," a voice said.

It sounded so distant and I felt myself going under again. Nothing but my thoughts to keep me company right now. You know being passed out is surprisingly boring. I say that now but as I got up I'd rather be passed out than feeling how I felt. I felt like literal death. I did notice that my bottom half felt warm and when I looked down I saw I was covered by a blanket. What really was the shocker was that I saw a sleeping Shoichi laying his head on my lap. He looks so peaceful... I don't want to disturb him. I felt him moving his head around and he raised his head and saw me.

"Oh hey! You're awake!" Shoichi said excitedly.

"Yeah, I guess I am. Hey uh... what happened?" I asked.

"Well I woke up really early this morning and noticed you were out of bed. I went around the house looking for you and couldn't find you, I decided it was a dumb idea but worth a shot so I started looking outside for you thinking you were playing a dumb joke. That's when I found you passed out on the sidewalk covered in vomit," Shoichi explained.

"Oh! Yeah I guess I sort of remember something like that," I said.

"Anyways I carried you back to your house and gave you a quick bath," Shoichi said.

I looked down to make sure I was still wearing my undergarments. Everything was still there except my clothes.

"Don't worry I threw your clothes in the washer and kept your other stuff on the whole time," Shoichi said, trying to diminish my worries.

"Hey um... thanks for this, it means a lot to me that you would take care of me like this," I said softly.

Shoichi smiled at me warmly.

"Hey, it's no problem," he respond with the same tone.

"Wait! Didn't we have school today? Are you skipping to take care of me?!" I nearly shouted.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I contacted everyone and the school and told them the circumstances and they allowed it," he responded calmly.

"You're too sweet for your own good," I said while smiling at him.

Shoichi widened his eyes a bit and look away. We sat in silence before Shoichi remembered something.

"Oh yeah! When was the last time you ate or drank anything?" He asked.

"The place you took me to last night," I responded.

He seemed shocked at this.

"We need to hydrate you and quickly, I'll be right back," he said as he ran out of the room.

I was alone now. I should try getting up, I won't be that weak, right? Wrong. I moved my legs to the side of the bed and used my nightstand for support. When I pushed myself up I nearly fell. My legs felt like TV static. Just then Shoichi came in while muttering something and saw me.

"What are you doing?!" He shouted.

He quickly set the glass of water down causing some to fly out of the cup and ran over to me. I nearly face planted onto the floor but he caught me and instead I face planted right into his... chest. The floor would've been WAY better. Without stutter though he picked me up over his shoulder and dropped me on my bed.

"The doctor said not to do anything straining, remember?!" Shoichi scolded me.

I looked down at my stomach where a huge scar was. How could I not remember? He looked at me sadly when he saw me looking at the scar.

The Bonfire Dance (Shoichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now