Chapter 3

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AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry my upload schedule is really weird and drawn out I'm just really busy with high school stuff! I really appreciate you all reading this story though! Back to the story!

I looked at my phone while lightly tapping foot. Did I get the wrong place? Oh god, what if Shoichi is waiting for me right now, I'm going to ruin his whole schedule and- My anxiety was cut off by the sound of heavy footsteps.

"Y/n! Sorry to keep you waiting! I was held up by my dad, he was pressuring me to tell him where I was going," Shoichi called out while lightly panting.

Shoichi arrived in front of me, a bit sweaty and his chest rising up and down. I looked him up and down and he seemed to notice this.

"W-what's wrong? Is there something on my shirt... even worse is it on my butt?" Shoichi asked worriedly.

"I just thought you would dress up better for such a special occasion," I teased.

"What's so special about today?" he asked.

I stared at him blankly. This is the same Shoichi I know and am friends with, right?


This caused everyone is the range of where we were standing to look and stare at for a few moments before minding their own business. Shoichi chuckled a bit.

"Oh calm down, dork. I am the Shoichi you know and love," he said jokingly.

"When did I ever say I love you? In fact right about I hate you," I teased.

"Oh come on, you know you love me, Y/n," Shoichi said coyly.

Urk- Those words pierced into my heart like a dagger.

"Why so silent all of a sudden?" he teased me.

"Nothing, lets just go eat," I said urgently, almost stuttering.

I walked through the doors of the Café while holding the door open for Shoichi.

"Thanks, you won't believe the amount of people who let the door slam on my face," Shoichi said.

"People don't hold the door for other people?" I asked with a tone of disgust.

"And that's why I like you," he responded.

"Awwwww, does Shoichi like me?" I teased.

He pushed me away jokingly while covering his face with his arm acting like he has a cough. I noticed a lady with a disgusted face staring at us. I saw her roll her eyes and turn her head just enough to make it seem like she wasn't spying on us but in reality can see our every move. You're not slick lady, I've done this hundreds of times.

"Hey, Shoichi," I whisper yelled.

"Yeah?" he responded back.

"I think that lady is spying on us," I said quietly while using my head to signal who I was talking about.

"Lets just ignore her, she can't really ruin our day together if she doesn't have a reason to," Shoichi suggested.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll just enjoy the time I get to spend with my best friend, which is you of course," I said with a smile.

Shoichi's eyes widened a bit while keeping the same small smile. I giggled a bit at this.

"I thought you said you hated me earlier?" he tried to play it off.

"Didn't you say you knew I loved you though?" I said, not letting him escape.

That got him to stay quiet. I started laughing while nearly pounding the table with my fist. Shoichi started staring at me with a small smile while leaning on his hand. I snapped my finger in his face to bring him back to reality.

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