Chapter 8

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I gathered all the stuff I needed into one bag. I lightly went down the stairs as to not disturb my mom and saw my dad sitting on the couch.

"Where are you going?" My dad asked concerned.

"To Shoichi's house, I'm going to stay the night," I responded.

My dad thought for a moment but shrugged his shoulders.

"Have fun kiddo," he said.

I walked out the door and made my way to
Shoichi's house. I knocked on the door when I arrived and I heard some footsteps approaching the door. The door opened and I saw Shoichi with an excited smile.

"Hey Y/n! It's good to see you again!" He said.

"Even though I saw you hours ago at school?" I asked.

"What I can't be excited to see my friend?" Shoichi said, defending himself

"I'm just a friend?" I said confused. I put my finger under his chin and made eye contact with him. "I thought maybe I meant more to you," I said with a smirk.

Shoichi was basically sweating at this point and his face was more red than the color itself.

"I thought I was your best friend," I said, finishing the teasing.

"Asshole," Shoichi said jokingly while rolling his eyes.

He invited me inside and I took in the nice and refreshing cool air along with the sweet smells. I caught a whiff of something nauseating though.

"Oh yeah by the way, I made us a late lunch," Shoichi said with a grin.

I forgot Shoichi was horrible at cooking.

"Yeaaaaah, about that I already... ate lunch! Yeah I already ate lunch just before I got here," I lied.

My stomach growled in response. I literally hate you right now.

"Well I think you can eat more... so eat up!" Shoichi said happily.

I was practically force fed the unidentifiable food by Shoichi and nearly hurled it all into the toilet.

"What do you want to do? We have a few hours before we have to leave," Shoichi asked.

"Can we maybe watch... a horror movie?" I asked.

"What, so I can have a scared Y/n cuddling up to me!?" Shoichi joked around.

"Very funny, haha. I've been watching horror movies before you could even speak," I responded jokingly.

We decided on Shout with the iconic spirit face.

"Well that wasn't scary... at all," I said.

"It was so predictable," Shoichi said, agreeing with me.

"They need to make an actually scary horror movie," I said, complaining.

Shoichi laughed. I looked at him confused.

"Sorry, sorry. If you want to watch an actual scary horror movie why don't you make one how you want it to be?" Shoichi suggested.

"Yeah, I'll be the main character and you can be the phsyco killer boyfriend," I laughed.

"I wouldn't mind that," Shoichi said while staring into my eyes and smiling warmly at me.

I felt my face get warm and I was at a loss for words. Shoichi ruffled my hair and started laughing.

"Quick to tease but not quick enough to respond to it," Shoichi said with a grin.

"S-shut up, you're the same way!" I almost shouted.

The Bonfire Dance (Shoichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now