Chapter 5

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"Alright so first someone is going to have to scout out the area to see if anything else is there, if it seems clear then we're gonna send Y/n out since they know their phone the best, and last someone is going to have to keep the room safe and ready for the other two, while also having a distraction ready if anything decides to chase the two people out there. Sound good?" Monika told us.

Shoichi and I nodded to show her we understood.

"Now we just need one of us to fill each roll, which one would you like Shoichi?" Monika asked.

"Hmmm, I would like to scout it out to see if it's safe for Y/n" Shoichi responded.

"I see, so that means I'll guard the room and stuff, alright when you guys are ready let's get started" Monika said confidently.

Shoichi and I nodded our heads and checked the hall to be sure it's clear first. It seemed there was nothing for now, so we set the plan into action. Monika found a piece of jagged scrap metal and was going to use it against anything. Shoichi and I still had our combat knives on us so we were going to use those if anything tried to attack. Shoichi went first and started looking around the area. When he knew it was clear I came out into the hall and started retracing my steps. Shoichi was ahead of me constantly snapping his head around and every once in a while turning back to look at me. Our eyes met and I gave him a warm smile, he quickly snapped his head back.

"Silly husky," I said quietly.

"I heard that, and stay quiet," Shoichi said in a whisper yell.

We walked in silence until we heard a loud crash. It came from the right, before I could react Shoichi quickly grabbed me by my hand and started making a run for it towards a room. I heard a soft chittering from far away, then something started running at us. My breathing got heavy and erratic as we kept sprinting. I tripped over some debris in the hallway and fell on my face.

"I'm NOT letting you die here!" Shoichi said while forcing me up.

We continued running for the room and finally made it, I couldn't stop myself and ran into the door, which luckily forced it open and Shoichi ran inside and we forced the door shut. The creature rammed into the door and the noises died down. Shoichi let out a heavy sigh of relief. Just then the creature started screaming and pounding the door. The screaming kept getting louder until it started to hurt my ears and the banging got more consistent. I looked over at Shoichi who was helping block the door and he was wide eyed. This continued on for 5 minutes, after that the creature let out a snarl and we heard it walk away. I reached for Shoichi and he flinched when he saw my hand.

"Shoichi... are you ok?" I asked softly.

"Yea. I'm fine," he responded in a shaky voice.

He obviously wasn't fine, he was scared and didn't want to show it. I slowly made my way to him and looked at him. He was shaking, I would be lying if I said I wasn't. I slowly brought him into a hug, he instantly reciprocated it.

"I'm so sorry Shoichi, you didn't even want to come here but I begged you and now look where we are," I said.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't want to come in the first place, I was just playing hard to get," he responded with a chuckle.

His breathing seemed to be getting calmer, and the hug was getting warmer. Once he seemed to be calmed down I went to get up.

"Wait." Shoichi blurted out.

I sat back down and motioned for him to continue.

"Can we stay like this a little longer? I don't want to leave right now," He finished.

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