Chapter 12

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I stood at the door and silently knocked. I heard thumping that progressively got louder and heard the door open. I adjusted my head upwards and saw Lance's smiling face.

"Hey! How are you?" He asked me.

"Oh! I'm good, I guess," I responded.

Lance moved out of the way and invited me in, his house was huge. His parents must be loaded.

"Woah your house is so nice..." I said while looking around.

"Ah yeah! My parents are Doctors, so I don't see them much," Lance said sadly.

Oh now I feel bad for him, what can I do to make him feel better? I think for a moment and decided to ask him what he wanted to do.

"So what do you feel like doing?" I asked quietly.

"Oh! I usually work out at this time of day, you want to help me?" He suggested.

He's already inviting me to watch him work out? I feel my face turn red at the imagined image of a shirtless Lance lifting weights and his muscles flexing and contracting. Lance grabbed my hand and led me to his exercise room.

"Alright I'm going to need you to spot me, basically just make sure the weights don't crush me and help me put them back when I'm done," he explained.

I nodded and watched in awe as Lance started taking off his shirt, a bit of his stomach popping out, but then another piece of cloth fell down and soon it became clear he was wearing a tank top. I looked away in disappointment but when I looked back he was trying to pull the shirt over his head which revealed a lot. As always his chest fluff was protruding out his shirt. He finally managed to pull off the shirt and saw me staring. He kept his arms over his head and winked at me which caused me to look away again in embarrassment. Lance walked over to a bench press and laid on his back, got his hands into position, and then looked up at me with his sparkling blue eyes. He took the bar off the holder and started lifting. I could really only see his arms but it was still a sight to behold. Lance grunted witch each lift and he started sweating as time went on. It hit 30 minutes and I was enjoying watching this one man show Lance was putting on, he then looked at me signaling me to help. I quickly helped him lift the bar, it was almost too heavy but I pulled through and we got the bar back into place. Lance sat up and started huffing, he looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"So, how did I do?" Lance asked while still huffing.

"You did amazing, that was incredible," I said in an amazed tone.

"I'm going to take a quick shower and we can do what you want to next," he said with a smile.

We walked upstairs and Lance told me to wait in his room as he went to shower, he grabbed some clothes and walked away. I started looking around his room, nothing that would be intrusive. In one corner of a room I saw a hamper filled with dirty clothes, when I looked inside I saw skimpy jockstraps and my face burned red when I imagined Lance wearing one of those. I walked over to an open window when a stray cat jumped onto the roof and started walking towards the room. It arrived and jumped on the bed and looked around, and finally it's eyes rested on me and stared into my soul. It looked down at and cabinet and jumped off the bed and started lightly batting at the cabinet. I opened the cabinet and saw cat food in a bag and tins of wet cat food as well along with a can opener. I opened the tin of cat food and put it into a bowl that was in the back of the cabinet and sprinkled some dry food in and watched the cat feast. The door opened and I heard Lance try and be as quiet as possible. The cat snuggled up to me and I started petting it and then I heard a click. I looked over at Lance finally who was holding his phone sideways, obviously taking a picture.

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