Chapter 2

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TW: Small amount and reference to physical/alcohol abuse!

I walked into my house with the strong smell of alcohol hitting my nose. I heard clattering and fighting from the kitchen, this again?

"DON'T PUSH ME BITCH!," I heard my dad shout.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT THEY'RE LIKE THIS!" my mom screamed back.

Oh... They're arguing over me. I purposely made a loud noise while putting my backpack down to let them know I was home. Just as I thought, the fighting instantly stopped and a few moments later they appeared out of the kitchen. My mom was stumbling around obviously drunk trying to find her way upstairs. When she walked past me she purposely bumped shoulders with me and scoffed. My dad however pulled me away and brought me into a warm embrace.

"Hey kiddo! How was school?" he asked with a cheery tone.

I looked around for a second and noticed the house was completely dark, but why?

"It was good... I guess." I responded in a monotone voice.

"I'm sorry if you overheard anything... your mother has just been... worried about you," he said sadly.

I hummed in response and walked towards the kitchen. I flicked the light switch and the light bulb exploded shattering glass all over the place and made me let out a yelp.

"You've gotta be shitting me right now," I said while squinting my eyes.

"Everything ok in there?" I heard my dad shout from the living room.

"Yeah, everything's fine!" I shouted back letting out a sigh afterwards.

The kitchen fridge seemed out of place, the pots and pans seem to have fallen as well. How big was their fight this time? I grabbed a dust pan and swept up the glass. I felt my phone buzz when I was done. It was a message from Shoichi. I smiled when I saw it.

"Hey Y/n! I was wondering if you'd wanna go grab lunch together this weekend! We can hang out afterwards as well if you'd like to." I read the message quietly to myself.

It's like Shoichi can almost sense when something is wrong with my life and swoops in like a husky in shining armor. I let out a quiet giggle at the thought of him wearing armor and how dorky he would look.

"Yeah, I'd love to! Where do you suggest we eat?" I typed back in response.

I waited quietly on the floor until I heard my phone ding.

"How about we eat at this on café, I'll send you the address and we can meet there." I saw a message pop up followed by another one with an address to a small café.

"Great, and what time/day should we meet?" I asked.

"How does Saturday at 11:50 AM sound?" he responded.

"It's perfect, see you there!" I typed back.

No response after that. I gave a tired smile and got up off the floor bringing the dust pan with me and dumped the contents into the garbage while exiting the room.

"You look happy, what's the occasion?" I heard my dad ask me while looking up from his work computer.

"A friend invited me out to lunch on Saturday," I responded.

"Oh! Tell Shoichi I said hi! He's such a nice young man," I heard my dad say enthusiastically.

At least pretend like I have other friends, damn. Well I mean I do have "friends" but only the kind you talk to in school or over text occasionally.

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