Chapter 4

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My phone buzzed as an alarm and multiple messages from Monika and Shoichi appeared. It seems they have created a group chat and have brought me into the mix. Great.

"It's almost time to go guys! Are you two ready?" A message from Monika buzzed.

"We still have an hour, I'll be relaxing here until Y/n says we have to go." Shoichi texted back.

"Come oooooon, have a little more enthusiasm, Shoichi! It's been forever since I've hung out with anyone!" Monika responded.

"I can tell." Shoichi shot an insult.

I couldn't help but snicker and saw a "..." appear from Monika and disappear and then reappear a few times.

"Y/n, help me out here, would you?" she finally texted.

"Shoichi be nice, she's just excited." I intervened.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry Monika." He responded with an eyeroll emoji.

I put my phone in my pocket and more buzzing ensued. I decided now would be a good time to pack food and some waters. It's going to be a hot day today. Once I was all finished with that I was about to head out the door until my mom put an arm out.

"Where do you think you're going?" she asked, her breath rancid as ever.

"Out." I responded.

"Out with who? Your little boyfriend Shoichi?" she asked mockingly.

"Shoichi isn't my boyfriend," I said. "We're just very good friends," I finished with a whisper.

"HA! Whatever, I could care less about you," she said loudly.

She slapped my back hard to "send me on my way." I do hate her, but I can't let her get into my head. I'm just gonna enjoy my day out my with friends. I arrived at Shoichi's door and knocked, I heard some rustling until the door shot open.

"Hey Y/n, already time to head out?" Shoichi greeted me.

"Yeah, but we gotta go pick up Monika first," I responded with a smile.

"Still can't believe you both roped me into this," he said, obviously annoyed.

I chuckled at him and he turned away from me while crossing his arms. He made a scoffing sound and we walked to the address Monika sent us. We finally got to the house and Monika practically jumped out the door while sloppily grabbing at a bag.

"I'm here and ready you guys!" Monika shouted at us.

Her energy was practically visible at this point. She tripped over her feet while running to us and clung onto my arm while she stumbled around. She let out a huff of relief before Shoichi practically used all his strength to get her off of me.

"Jealous much?" Monika teased.

"Yeah, yeah, save it for later," Shoichi responded.

We started walking, it would be a while until we got there. We walked in silence most of the way until Monika tried to fill the silence.

"Hey, Y/n, what are your pronouns?" Monika asked.

"Oh, I go by they/them, thanks for asking," I responded.

She nodded her head and we continued on until we reached our destination. The hospital stood in front of us, surrounded by thorn bushes.

"Shit, I forgot to bring clippers, we're going to just have to push through," I said annoyed.

The others sighed but we continued on and pushed through the bushes. I could feel my clothing getting caught and even hear some tearing, luckily I wore old clothing. We emerged from the bush and there were a few holes here and there on my clothing, Shoichi emerges and his clothing was more noticeably torn. You could see his muscles and pecs through the rips. Monika looked practically untouched, her hair had some sticks poking out though.

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