Festival Day 1

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I wake up and stretch my arms and then legs. Today is the first day of the festival and the day I'm going to ask one of them out... I'm ready. I take a deep breath in and hold it for a few seconds before letting it out. I got up out of bed and got ready for the day. The morning light was shining through my window and dimly lit my room, it looked straight out of a Northern Renaissance painting. When I left my house the air was cool and crisp signaling Halloween was coming up soon. I remember my first year at this school I looked up the meaning behind this festival to see what it was about. It said the bonfire was to symbolize love protecting people from the bitter cold of the upcoming winter. Every couple that bathed in the light of the bonfire while dancing in the cold were destined to be together. The dance is on the last day though so I won't have to worry, I have plenty of time to ask out who I want to. On my way to school Lance ran up to me with Shoichi following him.

"Hey Y/n, you excited for the festival?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, I'm really excited!" I said happily.

"That's good, I'm happy you're excited," Shoichi said with a smile.

I stared into his eyes and remembered the events of yesterday. I blushed and looked away and turned my gaze to Lance who I remembered all the fun times I've had with. He smiled and I smiled back.

"After classes today the festival finally begins," Shoichi pointed out.

"We know," Lance and I responded in unison.

"I was more so pointing it out to myself..." Shoichi said with his eyes narrowed.

Lance laughed and I smiled, I felt weirdly exhausted today. I brushed it off and kept walking with them and talking about whatever we wanted to. We got to school and parted ways again. After class was done the teacher pulled me aside.

"It's been a bit since our last conversation, have you figured anything out yet?" He asked me.

"Yes actually, I'm asking a guy out today and and I want to be a chef," I said with a smile.

The teacher seemed a bit shock but then a grin grew on his face.

"That's so much improvement in such short time, I'm so proud of you," he said.

He waved me off to go to lunch and when I got up to the roof I saw a face I haven't seen in a hot minute.

"Jun! Where were you?" I ask, excited to see him.

"Did you guys forget to tell them?" Jun asked.

They all looked at each other and Jun sighed.

"I was at a piano competition that made me travel to different parts of Japan," he explained.

"Wow really?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yep, and it was all payed for by the host of the competition," he said with a proud grin.

I high-fived him and he sat down with us. We all started talking about whatever and what we're going to do at the festival.

"Have you guys watched that one movie?" Monika asked.

"Which one?" Lance asked.

"It's new, it's called something like... paintings of my double...?" Monika said, unsure of herself.

"Oh yeah! Y/n and I watched that, it was a good movie," Lance said happily.

"I can't believe the ending though, it was intense..." Monika said with wide eyes.

"Hey! No spoilers for the people who haven't watched it yet!" Shoichi nearly shouted.

"One of the characters looks like you Monika," I said suspiciously.

The Bonfire Dance (Shoichi x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu