Festival Last Day

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The alarm was blaring and I felt shuffling behind me to silently turn it off. I groan and shift around a bit to show I'm awake.

"Heeeeeey, let's get back to sleep just a bit longer," Shoichi said nervously.

"And pass up seeing you in a maid uniform? You're insane," I playfully teased.

Shoichi rolled his eyes with a smile but then his face fell into a frown.

"Hey, about last night-" he was trying to say but got cut off.

"Don't even- I don't want to talk about it," I said.

I did though. I wanted to talk about everything. I wanted to let the damn burst but I have to be strong. Today is the last day and the dance, I can't let down Shoichi. He'll get worried and make us stay home for the dance. I can't let him do that. Time to put on my best happy face. I smiled at Shoichi to try and show everything is fine. He hesitated a bit but sighed. I felt his arms wrap around me and I shivered a bit from the feeling of being caught.

"If you ever need anything, just tell me, ok?" Shoichi said quietly.

I nodded silently and heard a groan as Shoichi got up and stretched.

"You ready to start out the day?" Shoichi said while looking down at me.

The golden rays of the sun shined on him. His muscles were flexed and his shorts were falling down which revealed a bit of his pelvic region. He knew what he was doing didn't he. The smirk he has on his face confirms it and I smile at him.

"Yeah, let's go," I said.

He outstretched his hand and I grabbed it and he pulled me up. We got ready for the day and before we left Shoichi stood at the door.

"You still nervous about the maid cafe?" I teased.

Shoichi laughed nervously but then his expression dropped into worry as he looked at me.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked.

The painful question made me bleed worse than any wound would. Was it that obvious I wasn't okay? I still need to be strong for him though.

"Yeah! I'm fine," I said with a weak smile and an eye roll.

Shoichi's expression didn't change but he eventually opened the door with a sigh. I wrapped my hand around his lightly and I felt him stiffen for a second before loosening up again. I feel kind of sore, it's like my body is reacting to my dream last night. I stop paying attention to the pain and it eventually melts away. The temperature outside is noticeably cooler than the other days. My body starts shivering even though I feel warm. Shoichi hugs me into his soft and warm fur. I feel peaceful and we continued walking with Shoichi's arms wrapped around my body and his chin resting on my shoulder. He tried to steer us off course from the school multiple times but I ignored his attempts and kept walking forward. We were finally at the school gates where our friend group was waiting for us.

"Oooooo Shoichi~" Saya called out teasingly.

"We can't wait to see what you've been hiding from everyone~" Monika joined in on the teasing.

Jun looked away with his arms crossed to show he wasn't in on the teasing.

"Every guy has to wear a maid dress at one point in their life," Lance says with a smirk.

"We haven't seen you wearing one!" Shoichi shouted accusingly.

"I wear one when I feel like it," Lance said with an eye roll.

This caught Max off guard and they quickly blushed. They seemed to be lost in thought after that.

"Earth to Max..." Lance said while snapping his fingers.

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