21. Pieces of happiness

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The meaning of time is different when you finally got more days off than you could ever dream

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The meaning of time is different when you finally got more days off than you could ever dream.

For the first time in 10 years, Jieun had a decent and healthy schedule: she woke up every day at 8 am, made breakfast, waited for Chaewol to take a bath and get dressed (she usually was capable of doing it alone but sometimes needed help to wash her hair). Jungkook would take a shower after his morning workout. They all took breakfast together before Jieun would sit with Chaewol for her morning lessons.

Jungkook had never been an academic so he left the mathematics and Korean history to Jieun. However, he supervised the afternoon lessons which were mostly science, arts, physical education, and humanity education (etiquette, the observing of social rules, and the development of a sense of community).

Chaewol was only starting her second grade of elementary school. Therefore, they tried to also find fun ways to learn things with her. For example, instead of having normal PE lessons, Jungkook established dancing lessons and games outside. They sometimes joined Jieun for her yoga and pilate sessions. To improve Chaewol's writing and understanding of Korean language the whole family would sit down to do calligraphy. She would practice maths by helping her parents in the kitchen, counting, and calculating ingredients.

Their English teacher Lee Siwon came one afternoon per week to teach Chaewol for two hours and then Jungkook and Jieun for three hours. Singing in English became one of their favorite activity. Chaewol's current obsession was the Disney movie Moana. Jieun couldn't count on her hands the numbers of time they saw it. They eventually encouraged Chaewol to watch it in English, it was easier to understand due to her familiarity with the dialogues in Korean.

A music teacher came twice a week to initiate Chaewol and Jungkook to piano and guitar. She gave up violin after two months, declaring it was too difficult. Chaewol chose to take ballet classes once a week and Jungkook asked the ballet instructor to teach them basic techniques too. Jieun was frustrated by his ability to learn practical things quickly while she struggled with anything outside of "work". She was talented in singing, writing songs, performing, acting, modeling, producing but was clueless about the basic skills in life.

She had always been clumsy, a bit weak (something to do with her cartilages), and had a bad coordination of her limbs. Since her rise of fame when she was 18, she always had people to help her with the things she struggled with, either it was her family, Inna, her managers or IU team. When something went wrong with the devices at her home, she would call her father and he came over to fix it or to bring it for repair to the store. When she traveled or had a night shooting, her managers made sure she had snacks, warm clothes, a battery backup for her phone, a folding chair if she was tired. She even never booked a flight nor a hotel room in her entire life. She didn't have time either to buy groceries nor clean her apartment, she left those tasks to the housekeeper.

Indeed, this time off made her realize she needed to learn to do normal things and stop being assisted for everything. Now that they were living far away from everyone, learning to be useful at home was a necessity.

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