6. Save me

686 42 19

December 2020

Jieun was pacing around her living room, waiting for news from Hanteo and for Jungkook's arrival.

She ran to the door as soon as she heard the doorbell ring.

" Jungkook" she greeted

He was still dressed in a fancy suit, probably from whatever shooting or filming he did for BTS. His hair was unusually messy, his make up half ruined as if he cried and wiped part of it with his sleeves. However it was his empty gaze and forlorn look that shocked her the most.

" Jieun-ah" he murmured. They stayed frozen there, looking at each other for half a minute, both unsure about what to do and what to say.

Jungkook took a step forward to enter her home and engulfed her in a hug. His strong arms wrapped around her and she allowed herself to cry. She realized his comforting warmth was the only thing that could calm her down, she needed him now more than ever.

She wrapped her arms around him and they stayed like that for as long as they needed it. She didn't want to let go because she felt safe in his arms.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please forgive me." He repeated, his right hand caressed her hair and he went back cradling her body against his chest.

" I'm sorry I hurt you. I should have just told you I couldn't come to Jinhae because I was stuck in Tokyo for our MV shooting. I'm sorry I let my jealousy and possessiveness ruin beautiful memories. I'm sorry I wasn't there during you pregnancy. Maybe if I was there, Kang Ho Dong would have never had the opportunity to take her away. I'm so sorry you had to suffer for years. Jieun-ah, I love you, I never stopped loving you since that day on the rooftop."

She was beyond stunned by his words. Everything was just overwhelming: the news about their daughter, now his apologies and confession. This was too much to handle and she needed to calm down and come to terms with everything that happened the last 4 hours.

" I..Jungkookie...I..need to...breathe" she looked at him. He sighed and let her go.

" I'm sorry, I needed to get it out of my chest, it's been eating my soul away for months since Golden Disk Awards. I'm sorry it took me so long to say it. I'm sorry about the terrible timing. I understand we have other priorities right now."

He took the seat beside her and offered her a small smile. His eyes regained a little bit of light and he looked much better than when he arrived.

" Let's talk about that later. I'm...still not ready to face...I'm not ready to dig into that territory right now."

" Of course" he nodded " What informations do we have? "

" Ho Dong didn't tell me the name of the orphanage. He just said it was near Busan. Hanteo went to see his friend who he is a detective and they'll come back to the hospital to ask more details from Ho Dong. Jihwan contacted my lawyer who will meet us here."

" How can I help?"

" I honestly don't know, right now I feel lost and powerless too. We must find her but I don't know where to begin." She answered truthfully. Jungkook came closer to her and squeezed her shoulders.

" At least Ho Dong respected one of my wish. Her name is Chaewol. I wanted to name her after the moon. It reminded me of you, of us that night." She told him with a small smile.

" Chaewol...It's pretty and I think it suits her. "

They stayed silent during long minutes, both pondering about this crazy situation and about its implications and consequences.
She was so lost in her thoughts, she missed the sound of the doorbells. She ran to the door and greeted her lawyer.

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