13. New beginning

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The sound of Jungkook's loud snoring woke Jieun up. Her eyes opened to see Chaewol sleeping peacefully in her bed, she smiled upon noticing they both slept with their mouth open.

She took her time to study their child's features and to compare it to Jungkook. Chaewol got obviously his eyes but she at  least inherited her nose. The length of her black hair made Jieun think she only had a few haircuts in her life, though she looked cute with her bangs.

On many occasion in the last years, Jieun's mind would inadvertently imagine her daughter's face if she was alive, though she tried hard to dismiss the thought quickly because it only brought pain and frustration.

She never had the chance to hold her baby in her arms and it made the grieving harder. She could only imagine and guess her image, she had no memory of her baby's face in her brain to help her, no pictures either to remind her.
She couldn't count the number of nights she cried over this.

But here she was, 7 years later, her little girl was indeed alive, in good health, sleeping between her parents. Jieun closed her eyes and thanked whoever granted her wish to be reunited with her daughter.

" Mommy, is something wrong? " Chaewol's sleepy voice startled her.   


"You're crying." she stated

" Those are tears of happiness, darling, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Chaewol's eyes were still fixed on Jieun's face, she reached a hand and her small fingers brushed against Jieun's cheek.

The little gesture took Jieun's breathe away. Chaewol looked at her in awe, as if she was afraid Jieun wasn't real and needed to touch her to confirm her presence.

" I'm not dreaming, I can touch you, I can feel you and see you with my own eyes. I heard your voice in my dreams but I never saw your face. Mommy, you're so pretty and kind. I'm so happy you're my mother."

It was at this moment that she realized what was really happening. Her life purpose was no longer being IU, a 27 years old popular singer, her main role was now being Lee Jieun the mother of a 7 years old little girl.

" I love you so much Chaewol. I know things have not been easy for you and for us but we're together now. I hope one day you'll fully understand why we couldn't be with you sooner. Right now I might be clueless about how to be a good parent cause we're both new to this but your father and I are going to do our best to be the parents you deserve. You're our main priority now, nothing else matters." She said, holding Chaewol's gaze to reassure her.

The little girl nodded and shifted closer to her mother. Jieun held her tightly and they remained silent, enjoying each other comfort.

They chuckled when Jungkook mumbled something in his sleep and twisted his position on the bed. Chaewol took his hand away when he scratched his face.

" Daddy, don't do that" she scolded

" Hmmm?" Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and looked at them confused.

" Your snores are really loud" Chaewol frowned

" What? Hmmm...sorry about that" he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

" Did you sleep well?" Jieun asked him

" Oh yeah, best sleep I had in years. What about you?" He yawned

" Me too. I was just afraid that it was all a dream but thankfully this is real. The three of us are here together. I'm so happy and relieved."

Jungkook smiled at her in understanding.

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