23. IDOL

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Chaewol was 6 years old (almost 7) when she expressed to Jian and Dr Kim Chang Wan her desire to become a singer because music will help her find her parents. And she was right: music led her to reunite with her parents.

As the years passed, her curiosity and her passion for music increased. She continued to take dance and music classes, participated in several school shows, and spent a good amount of time learning from her parents and uncles.

Chaewol was 14 years old (almost 15) when she announced to her parents, one night in the middle of the dinner, that she wanted to be a trainee and debut as an idol.

Her 2-year-old baby brother Hyun Jin looked back and forth between his sister and their parents, not understanding why their father's hand suddenly stopped putting food on his plate.

Because they knew all too well the hardships behind the life of an Idol, Jieun and Jungkook were wary about letting Chaewol formally train in an agency.

Chaewol argued she was born for the stage, for the endless hours spent in the studio, for the happiness of touching a guitar chords or piano keys, for the thrill of executing a choreography in synchrony.

She had developed a lot of skills throughout the years and her newest goal was to compose songs and learn to produce them by watching her parents and uncles. She never missed a ballet class at the academy nor the hip hop dance classes taught at Big Hit by her uncle Hoseok. Though she still needed to work harder on her rap skills to be considered an all-rounder.

The next step to get closer to her dream of being a singer was to officially become a trainee in an agency. If she wanted to succeed on her own, without her parents' money and connection, then working hard to debut in a girl group or as a solo artist in an agency was the only option left.

" We've tried our best to protect you from the bad sides of being famous and to allow you to have a normal life. You know and you saw the burden brought by celebrity life. It might look easy from your point of view but we struggled a lot and sacrificed many things to be who we are today. Not everyone can make it and when you become successful, you face all kinds of new problems. I hope you understand we are just worried about you. Are you sure you want to pursue this path?" Jieun warned her

" Mommy, I know you're worried, considering the bad things that happened to us. But unlike other kids who have the same dreams, I know exactly what kind of environment I will enter. You both understand more than anyone else what it feels like to be on stage and do what you love. Singing and dancing makes me happy."

" We kinda knew this moment would come one day, yet it's like we're still not prepared for it. We just want you to be happy and to give you the opportunity to fully enjoy your life. Your mother's concerns are legitimate. Being a trainee and an Idol requires many sacrifices. You have the talent to succeed and we will not stop you from chasing after your dreams. However, if you do this, there will be rules."

" Of course Daddy "

" No living at a dorm, you'll come back at home everyday as long as you're a minor. We need to make sure you're eating healthily and sleep at decent hours instead of exhausting yourself by practicing."

" Your debut must happen after you graduate from high school. Getting a proper education is important. You'll be 18 by then and will be considered as a young but responsible adult. Even if we are worried because it's our role as parents, your father and I will always be there to support you, to give you advice, to make sure you're alright and you're treated right by the people you will work with."

" Thank you Mommy. I will need your moral support as my parents but I want to succeed on my own, not because I'm IU and Jungkook's daughter. I don't want to use your connection or take advantage of your fame to build mine. I will use my stage name Luna for everything related to my career. I want to be appreciated and judged on my own merit, based on the hard work I will provide."

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