17. You never walk alone

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18th january 2021

Jieun looked at her reflection again in the mirror, twisting and fixing her hair into loose curls. She put her favorite red lipstick and applied more blush on her cheeks.  

" Mommy, you look so pretty!"

" Thank you darling. I want to look good because your father and I have a date tonight! " She smiled at her daughter who sat next to her in front of the vanity 

"What's a date?" Chaewol's curiosity was sparked 

" Hmmm how to explain it simply, well it's an activity like going to a restaurant, a cinema or a park that two people who like each other do. For example, your father is taking me to a restaurant: we'll eat, talk, laugh and he might kiss me at the end of the night".

"Ewww yuck " Chaewol frowned in disgust when she heard the kissing part  

" I'm happy! It's been a while since the last time I went on a date with a man." 

"So you went on other dates and kissed other men before and they were not Daddy? " the 7 years old girl shrieked, the look of betrayal on her cute face made Jieun chuckle. She was still amazed at how much her baby looked like Jungkook.

" Yes, you know your father and I were together many years ago, then we had you and we were separated for a long period of time.  During those years we were apart, we met other people and went on dates with them. It's natural for an adult to have former girlfriends or boyfriends.  But it's alright you know, it's all in the past now. Your daddy and I are back together, we love each other very very much and we'll be a happy family! "

" Yeah, we'll be the happiest family!!" Chaewol cheered in agreement 

"Now I need your help, should I put the white dress, the red dress with flowers or the blue one? Which one do you like? " Jieun showed her the 3 dresses. Chaewol picked the blue one as it was her favorite colour. Then she helped Jieun put a silver crescent moon necklace and choose other jewels.

" I can't find my J-Estina infinity ring, I'm pretty sure it was still in my jewelry box last week. Anyway I gotta go, the driver is already waiting for me in the parking. Have fun with your grandparents my darling" Jieun kissed her daughter's cheek and took her purse on her way out. 

" Bye Mommy, have fun too with Daddy!" Chaewol waved back

Her bodyguard Mr Park escorted her to the car. She couldn't go anywhere nowadays without at least 2 persons from the security team. Just like expected, Mr Park told her they were followed by one car and a motocycle, probably fans (more like stalkers) and/or paparazzis.

The security team of the Shilla Hotel were standing outside when Jieun got out of the car. They took her to the 23th floor at the La Yeon Restaurant. Jungkook was already waiting for her in a private area. He kissed her and complimented her before she sat down.

The dining space offered a stunning view over Namsan Park. 

" A three-stared Michelin restaurant for a date, are you trying to impress me tonight Mr Jeon Jungkook ? "

" Only the best for my amazing girlfriend !" He winked and she blushed, visibly affected by his words and the confidence which radiated from him.

Tonight he was dressed in all black from the dress shirt to the suit jacket. He had the audacity to leave two buttons undone at the top, that sexy bastard knew she had a thing for his collabone and chest. The all black look, the long hair, the tattoos, the piercing and multiple earings contributed to the "bad boy" aura that made him incredibly attractive. She hated to admit it but he knew precisely how to make her sexually aroused.

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