3. Love on Friday (flashback 2013)

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June 2013

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June 2013

Another day of work began for Jieun early in the morning at the hair salon. Her agency decided a change of hair color was needed to fit her next comeback. Of course she didn't have a say on it: if they wanted her blonde she will be blonde, if they wanted her in a short puffy skirt for a cute concept, she will be obliged to wear it, if they wanted her to lose weight, she will have to go on a diet. As soon as she signed her training contract three years ago, her life and even her body weren't exclusively hers anymore.

It was a miracle they let her have more freedom on the songs she will put on the album. It was Ho Dong's idea to involve her in the whole song-writing and producing process. He claimed the recipe of her success will be based on two things: 

- one : to present IU as an artist who wrote relatable music for young people like her

- two:  to transform her into the next korean "girl next door", a young woman full of effortless beauty, purity, simplicity and natural charm. She will be the loving and pretty girlfriend you would dream to have as a first love, the innocent, well-mannered and smart girl that parents would appreciate. 

And while Jieun's real personality wasn't far from that image,  it made her nonetheless uneasy to be told who she should be, what she could do or not with her body, what she should or shouldn't say. As the time passed, she realized her ability to make decision on her own was diminishing while her agency and managers' control and power over her life grew. She wondered if she would have signed the contract back then if she and her parents were aware of the sacrifices she would have to make. For now she had to endure and accept everything they said, she didn't have better options anyways. She just had to keep believing things would work out and she would truly find success one day. 

It didn't mean she couldn't also in parallel try to live for herself a little bit. Dating Jungkook (even though it was prohibited) was a decision she took for herself. On that matter, she was proud to have chosen happiness over fear. 

Jieun's phone which was placed on the hairdresser vibrated, signaling next texts. She was 100% sure it was Jungkook but she couldn't check it as her hairstylist Seo Yoon was still dyeing her hair blonde.  She bit her lip hard, trying to contain her excitement. They have been exchanging sweet messages everyday since her birthday two weeks ago.

Everyone around her noticed her change of mood: the quiet and polite Jieun became a bubbly but still polite girl. She eventually had to lie about her source of happiness, attributing it to the good feedbacks she had from fans. She wasn't entirely lying: the good reviews were mostly from her favorite and #1 fanboy Jeon Jungkook.

When Seo Yoon was done with her hair, Jieun hid in the bathroom and squealed in joy when she read Jungkook's message:
" My silver moon, I really wanna see you again. I can't stop thinking about you. "

Truth was: his messages were all cheesy and corny but she couldn't care less. Ever since that rooftop encounter, she was on cloud nine, deeply in love and just genuinely happy. 

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