14. Make it right

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Author's note:
As you know, this story was inspired by the movie August Rush. And as much as I loved the movie's ending, I've always wondered what happened after their reunion.
I did a lot of research for this story (learning new things is captivating) but I'm obviously not an expert so please be lenient if the legal process mentionned in this story isn't 100% accurate.
Thank you and enjoy :)

P.S: Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrates it !! 🕯️🕎🕯️


1st January 2021

Jieun opened the door and let the nun enter her home.

" Hello, I'm Kang Hanna or Sister Hanna, nice to meet you. I came as soon as I could, I'm sorry it wasn't easy to find a substitute to take care of the kids in the orphanage on the first days of the year. "

"Hi I'm Lee Jieun, thank you for coming, please have a seat. Do you want something to drink?"

" A cup of tea would be nice, thank you."

Jieun made tea and sat next to the woman.

" First of all, I just wanted to say I'm really happy to meet you, Chaewol talked about you a lot. I will be eternally grateful for everything you did for her. You took care of her when we couldn't and I..." Jieun couldn't find the words as she got emotional.

" Detective Lee Joon Gi explained to me the situation and what those people did to you and Chaewol. You don't have to explain yourself, I know a lot of unfair things can occur in this world but this is one proof that the divine justice still exists and you were able to be reunited with your child."

Jieun wasn't exactly a religious person, she was more an agnostic but she still nodded. Maybe some forces above might have helped to right the wrong that was done to her family.

They talked about Chaewol for more than one hour. Jieun was eager to learn more about her daughter's first years of life. Sister Hanna was more than happy to share her memories of Chaewol since she started working in the orphanage 4 years ago.

Jieun was surprised to learn the 32 years old nun was once an actress. Kang Hanna tried an acting career in her early 20's but was quickly disgusted by the entertainment industry. She recalled her experience about facing sexual harrassments from producers and some actors. She decided to quit and because she was raised in a very religious family, she turned to God when she felt lost. She found a new purpose in her life and decided to take the vows to be a nun. She trained for years to be a social worker and a caregiver then found herself working at Yangsan's Children Home.

"Sister Hanna!!" Chaewol shouted as soon as she saw the woman seating in her mother's living room.

" Chaewol, I'm glad you're okay. You really got us worried sick by disappearing like that." the woman replied

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to find my parents. " she lowered her eyes visibly regretful

" I know and I understand that but a lot of bad things could have happenned to you. It's a dangerous world out there for a lonely little girl. I'm just relieved you're fine. Everyone at the orphanage and the church's choir prayed for you and are happy to know you're okay. Hwang-Mi made you a drawing." the nun handed the paper to Chaewol

" Thank you, I missed you and Hwang-Mi too. I'm sorry again."

Then Chaewol's eyes grew wide and she looked at her mother and Sister Hanna in panic.

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