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I've always been the type of friend to help others with their problems in relationships even tho I've never been in one. It's funny cause I'm turning 19 in four months and I've never kissed a guy before, and yeah I'm still a virgin. Funny huh? It didn't matter to me until this year, I started feeling the need to have a boyfriend because my three best friends all were in a relationship and I? Well still here single. I'm not saying they don't show me they love me but you know, once you're in a relationship it is just a matter of time you start staying only with them and don't spend as much time with your besties as before. And I accept that, I totally do, it's just that this year it got pretty....lonely.

After school Theo asked me if I wanted to stop by his place since we're neighbors so I accepted. He saw I've been down lately so he wanted to talk about it and even tho it's a burden to me to open up to someone, even if that someone might be my forever best friend, I accepted. Theo is not my best friend but in those type of situations I think it's better if you talk to a close friend rather than the ones who are part of the story in order to not make them feel bad.
We arrived at his house and got upstairs where his room is, he sat on his bad and patted it for me to sit with him.
Theo "so tell me, what's bothering you?"
"Okay let me think how to start it, you know I'm not good with this whole opening up thing"
Theo "take your time"
"Well, you know I've never had a boyfriend right. And that I've also never kissed anyone before and I'm still a virgin"
Theo "yeah..."
"My best friends are all in a relationship. Luna with Eric and Melody with Andrew"
Theo "Luna and Eric are both your best friends tho and they got together?"
"Yeah, I love them even their up and downs, just like I love Melody but hate that dickhead of an Andrew. However, this year it's been rough...I feel..gosh how stupid I feel for saying this"
Theo "how do you feel y/n?"
"...lonely. I'm not saying they forgot about me, but lately they hang out in couples and I'm always invited, but going out with them and being there as a 4th wheel it's awful...it feels awful to me"
Theo "I get you, and I won't be one of those who always say 'the right person is gonna come at the right time' but I want to ask what do u have in mind"
"How do you know I have something in mind"
Theo "oh come on I'm pretty close to you, I'm even closer than your besties this year"
"I guess you're right. I wanna get a friend with benefits..."
Theo "wait what?"
"Yeah, I'm not gonna be the typical girl married to her cats at 40 living alone"
Theo "but who...how?"
"Someone I don't have feelings for, someone I barely know..."
Theo "no y/n that's not a good idea. Your first time has to be memorable not some fuck buddies thing"
"I don't care about a 'special thing' anymore Theo..."
Theo "well then, I guess I can't stop u can I"
Theo "😩 okay, do you want something to drink?"
"A glass of water will be fine"
Theo " 'kay, I'll bring some snacks as well"

He caresses my thigh and left the room, I sighed and looked at my phone when I heard the door close.

"That was fast"
? "I'll do it...I'll be your fuck buddy"

As I look up I'm taken back as I see who's standing in front of the door. Theo's brother...Jake. Jake is the opposite of Theo, dark, serious and ofc a man whore. Or at least that's how he shows off. I was shocked, why would the great Jake James offer to be my fuck buddy, I mean he could have all the girls he wanted in our college but he always pushes them away. Why me?

Jake "why what?"
"Why would u volunteer like that?"
Jake "well..." he leans on the bad, arms on each side of my hips as he whispers in my ear "if a hot chick like u is so desperate about something like this then why not"
Smirking he gets up and opens the door "I'll see you tomorrow at school y/n" and just like that he left.
I was left there frozen on Theo's bed, I didn't even realize he had returned.

Theo "yo u there?"
"Oh uhm yeah sorry, is that the water I asked for? Thanks"
I drank the cup of water and stood up
"Okay thanks Theo I'll be going now, see you tomorrow in front of my house?"
Theo "yeah sure"
"Good, bye"
I kissed his cheek and left. As I got downstairs I bumped into Jake that was leaving the house as well, he turned around smirking and opened the door for me. I moved outside of the house as I watched his face and turned to leave just to be met by his grip on my arm twirling me around to face him. That stupid dark smirk was still on his face as he got closer to mine analyzing my expression. I was confused and pissed by the sudden reaction until he spoke up...
Jake "So, what's your answer? Are u in?"
"I need time to think about it"
Jake "time for what, you were the one wanting this doll"
"Yeah but not with someone I know, especially when that someone is my friend's brother. And why the fuck were you eavesdropping us?"
Jake "that's a story for tomorrow, and Theo wouldn't care if I started going out with u"
"Except the fact you're not willing to go out with me but just to be my fuck buddy"
Jake "so what's your answer?"
"That, is a story for tomorrow"
I realize my arm from his grip and cross the road to get to my house. I close the door behind me and decide to go straight to the bathroom to take a shower.
This was a hell of a day...

Midnight: hey loves hope you like the first part, in the next one I'll put the pictures of the protagonists and explain some things so that'll be easier for u to understand. Thank you for reading this 🫶🏼

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