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We got inside and people were going crazy, dancing, drinking, making out

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We got inside and people were going crazy, dancing, drinking, making out...this is gonna be fun. We turned our heads and the others were coming to us

Theo "y/n...damn you look beautiful"
"Thank u, you look great as well"
Jake "okay imma go and have fun with the boys, see u around"
Eric "what's his problem?"
Theo "idk he's acting weird lately"
Jason "well let's not think about him, let's go and grab something to drink"
"I agree"
Luna "us girls are getting wasted tonight, right y/n?"
"Well we don't have to drive so...yep"
Theo "I don't have to drive either so I'm joining you"
Luna "let's go bestiess"

We go to the bar and order lots of shots and other drinks.

Jason "do they get wasted?"
Eric "oh trust me bro, when y/n and Luna drink there's nothing in this universe to stop them from getting wasted"
Jason "oh shit, and what do they do?"
Eric "well they become horny, very, very horny"
Jason "damn"
Eric "you'll have to deal with a horny Y/n"
Jason "I don't mind at all"
Eric "good, let's go and grab something easy to drink and watch over them"

The bartender was super flirting with me but I didn't care, he was ugly either way lol. I kept drinking with Luna and Theo and the alcohol was suddenly making its way in my whole body. I was starting to feel hot and wanted to dance so bad, so I grabbed Theo and Luna and dragged them on the dance floor. We started dancing like crazy until I saw Jake watching me, he was looking at me like he wanted to eat me so I just turned around and kept moving my hips until I felt someone's hands grab them. I tried to turn around but he wouldn't let me, instead he pushed his body against mine. I saw Jake furious making his way to me, but someone else was already here.
I suddenly felt the hands on my hips loosen and when I turned around I saw Jason grabbing a filthy looking man from the throat...hot...he told him something and the man left without looking back. Jake was furious at this point but I didn't care, I never cared about Jake, we made it very clear from the beginning that we wouldn't let feelings get in the way. All we had was sex, at least, for me. I don't know how he feels, he gives mixed signals. When he was at my place he said he didn't feel anything so we were good, but when someone touches me, talks to me or even looks my way he gets mad. Why? Why does he have to make things complicated? I don't like Jake, at some point I didn't even like having sex with him. He only wanted his pleasure and nothing else. Can't he just leave me alone?

Jason "hey, hey y/n u good?"
"Hm? Oh yeah why?"
Jason "you spaced out for a moment, u wanna go and get some air?"
"Oh no I was just thinking about something don't worry, how about we dance. Come on"
Jason "are you aure you're alright? I can go and beat that man if you want me to.."
"No no Jason haha chill I'm good I'm serious, come on, dance with mee"
Jason "you're drunk"
"I'm not drunk yet, I'm just dizzy"

No one's pov

Y/n turns around and starts moving to the rhythm, Jason behind her and Jake in front of her. Both of them throwing death stares to each other, suddenly Jason grabs her hips and she feels his breath on her neck.

Jason "keep dancing like this in front of Jake and I swear I'll make you regret every minute of it"

She turns around to face him smiling...

"Are you jealous Jayjay? You want me to dance only for you?"

He bites his lip and looks down at her, her long black straight hair covering part of her face because she keeps moving. He clears her face by putting her hair behind her ear and comes down on her level to face her.

Jason "I'm not jealous of something that isn't mine, yet. But I advice you to never go near Jake again. I see how he looks at you, and I don't like it"
"Not yet huh, what makes u think you'll ever have me"
Jason "I see how you react around me, how you look at me. And that kiss yesterday, it was very clear baby"

Y/n pov

He turned me on, but even tho I was drunk I wasn't going to make him win this easily. I know how to play too, just because I've never had a boyfriend doesn't mean I don't have my ways with boys. I'm gonna play this game with Jason and we'll see who's gonna win. I want to piss him off so he can admit he's jealous. Hmmm let's find a new target.
I start looking around for any cute guy and my eyes land on someone, tall, dirty blonde, well built...very good he seems to be alone, might as well go and give it a try.

"Would you excuse me"

I leave Jason there looking at me while I make my way to this cute boy. He was dancing so I started dancing my way to him until I got close to him. He saw me and started smiling before reaching me.

? "Hey"
"Hey handsome"
? "What's your name"
"Y/n and you?"
? "Blake, u wanna dance Y/n?"
"I thought you'd never ask"

We started dancing together, I crossed my arms around his neck and we started moving uncontrollably until he kissed me. We were making out, he tasted like vodka and something else but I didn't mind, all I wanted rn was to piss off Jason. But I guess I pissed off more someone else...

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