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Two month have passed, me and Jake kept having sex. He taught me a lot of things, positions ecc... it was awesome I'm not gonna lie. One person I didn't see come at our school was Jason...he said he was going to come to our school but he didn't, which made me wonder why. But anyways, Melody saw me in the hallways and never spoke to me, she didn't want to even look at me. Could u look at that, I was the one getting bullied by her ass of a boyfriend and now she act like she's the victim here. Screw her.

I got up, dressed, ate breakfast, washed my teeth and went to school with Theo. We entered the first class which was math, in which even Jake was part and sat on our places.

Mr. Smith "good morning everyone, today we're gonna say hi to our new student. Please come and introduce yourself to the class"

Here he is, I was wondering about him these days and now here he is, in my math class.

Jason "hi, I'm Jason nice to meet y'all"

His eyes wander around the class taking in every other student when they suddenly land at me. We kept eye contact for a while until mr. smith told him to take a seat, which btw was next to me.

Jason "hey"
"Well hi there"

Jake was watching us, I could feel his intense gaze on my back so I turned around.

Jason "hey mate"
Jake "yo what's good"
Jason "not much, weird you're attending classes...especially math"
Jake "ikr, I'm thinking about stopping"
Jason "nah, now that I'm here we can stick together in class"
Jake "yeah we'll see"

Jason took another glare at me before turning to face the front. Girl in my class were going crazy, can't blame them, he's very good looking. If I had to make a scale of the 3 best looking guys in my school he would be the first or second.

The bell rang and we got out of class, Jake went to the gym since the rest of his hours were basketball practice.

Jason "hey, mind helping me?"
"Oh sure, let me see"
"You have english, biology and science. Same classes as me"
Jason "oh cool, can I follow u then?"
"Yeah hahah"

We walk together to the english class and he again sits next to me. The lesson starts and I can feel his gaze on me a lot of times, I decide to turn my face in his direction and caught him looking at me. He doesn't look away, instead, he smiles at me. This makes me smile and I turn my head again towards our teacher. She gives us our homework papers and we leave to biology class.

"You know, if you have to look at me the whole our might as well take a picture...it will last longer"
I face him and smile
Jason "well if u insist.."
He takes out his phone and takes a picture of me
"Come onn I wasn't even ready"
Jason "you look great"
"Delete it"
Jason "nopp"
He starts running
"You don't even know where the biology class is"
Jason "shoot,you're right"
He turns back and we start laughing like two kids in a playground
"Now delete it"
Jason "nahh I like this pic"
"I swear I'll..."

He stands in front of me quickly so I bump into his chest, he's muscular, very very muscular. Even more than Jake, I touched my nose because it hurt a little...

Jason "what will you do"
"I'll beat the shit outta you, now give me that phone"
Jason "here"

He puts his hand with his phone in the air and as much as I try to reach it I fail miserably cause the height difference is huuuuge.

Jason "hahahaha shortie"
Jason "what did u just call me"
I tiptoe to get close to his face and I whisper
Jason "ohh you want mine?"
"Nahh you can keep it in your pants"
Jason "but I thought you said dick"
"Hmmm no I said dickhead now that I'm thinking about it"
Jason "ohhh you're so gonna regret calling me that shortie"
"We'll see about that, now come on or we're gonna be late for class"


All the classes end and now we're out of the school waiting for the others. Luna and Eric are already here, now we were waiting for Theo and Jake.

Theo "heyo homies"
Jason "hey, where's Jake?"
Theo "oh he left already"
Eric "okay then, guess we can leave"

We start walking all together and talk during the trip

Eric "so, Y/n and Jason"
Eric "the students are already making some rumors about u two"
Jason "what are they saying"
Luna "that you wanna sleep with Y/n"
Jason "oh I never said that"
Theo "well, every guy at our school wants to sleep with y/n"
Eric "true"
Jason "you're kinda famous huh"
Luna "ofc she is, she's the captain of the volleyball team. Look at her, perfect face, perfect body, she has it all"

Jason looks at me up and down and smiles

Jason "true, but still I didn't say to anyone I wanna sleep with her. Guess this school makes assumptions"
Theo "they do all the time, too bad she won't... wait a minute y/n come w me"

We walk in the front for a second so he can talk to me without the others listening...
Theo "why don't u ask him to be your fuck buddy? He's perfect"
"Oh nah I don't want that anymore"
Theo "u changed your mind?"
Theo "there's something you're not telling me"
"I-I n-no what are u talking about hahah"
Theo "you're the worst liar I've ever met. You know u can tell me everything, I won't get mad"
Theo "I promise."
"Come at my place tonight and I'll explain everything to you"
Theo "okay"

If you're wondering if I told Luna about my little secret, I did. She supported me, she said that no matter what will happen she'll be by my side.
But I haven't had the guts to tell Theo about this, the only reason behind that is because it's Jake, his brother. I was afraid of how he would react. I am afraid of losing him, Theo has grown very important to me and I don't wanna lose him. I really hope he doesn't get mad at me...

We go back to the others and keep walking. Luna and Eric reach their destination, yeah they live together, and me Theo and Jason keep walking.

Theo "where do u live Jason?"
Jason "two blocks away from here"
Theo "oh, our neighborhood"
Jason "u two live there as well?"
"Yep, our houses are in front of each other"
Jason "I bought this house yesterday from an old man since I had to move to that school. Maybe that's why I didn't see you"
"So you live by yourself as well, well we all do"
Jason "yup"
Theo "here we are, this is mine and Jakes. And that is Y/n's house"
Jason "and that" *points to the one next to mine "is mine"
Theo "that's awesome."
Jason "you know what, since it's my first night here and today is Friday why don't u come over? Invite the others too, and Jake aswell"
Theo "okay bro, oh Y/n why don't we talk now about that thing then?"
"Okay, come inside then. We'll see u tonight Jason, byee"
Jason "bye bye"

Me and Theo get inside and go straight to my room. I wanna sit in my bed when I tell him, as we get in my room he sits in my bed and I close the door behind me...

Midnight here...
Tun tun tuuuuun, man even I am worried about how he's gonna react. But NO SPOILERS.
Just remember he told her he won't leave her side no matter what at the beginning so...
Okay that's so spoiler bye..

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