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I guess I pissed off someone else

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I guess I pissed off someone else...
Someone pulled Blake away and when I looked up I saw Jake who started to punch him like there's no tomorrow.

"What the fuck Jake?"
Blake "is he your boyfriend?"
"Hell no, he's no one"
Jake "I'm no one huh? How about saying I'm the one who took your very first time"
"So what, we're gonna talk about it now? Grow the fuck up omg"

I turn around and get out of the club after going through a lot of people. Jake was following me apparently because as soon as I got out he got out as well. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around...

"What do you want jeez, can't you just leave me alone"
Jake "tell me why"
"Why what?"
Jake "why did you choose to end it all of a sudden, without even an explanation?"
"I got bored"
Jake "the truth y/n"
"You really are stupid aren't you? Didn't you ask yourself why in the last two weeks I didn't have even one orgasm? Because all you wanted was yours. You fucked me for hours reaching your pleasure 10 times, but I? Not even once in three fucking hours. Why the fuck would I want to keep having sex with someone who isn't able to please me? And I fucking told you since the beginning I wasn't going to let my feeling in the way, and I didn't. But apparently you did, and don't tell me otherwise because as soon as someone looks at me, talks to me or touches me you lose your goddamn mind. And I'm sorry Jake, I'm sorry that I made you feel things but this...*pointing between me and him* ain't never gonna work"
Jake "wow, you really are a heartless bitch like everyone says aren't you"
"Excuse me?"
Jake "I guess I should've never made u meet with Jason"
"This isn't about Jason Jake, this is about me and you"
Jake "why didn't you tell me about the pleasure"
"Are you serious? I even had to tell u? Couldn't you see my face? Or the fact that I wasn't making any sound of pleasure like I used to in the beginning?"
Jake "no I was busy fucking your tiny hole to be honest"
"Okay then, I guess we have nothing else to say to each other. You go back to your life and I'll go back to mine."

I turned around to leave and saw Jason there watching me. I was going to go near him but Jake grabbed my wrist one more time

Jake "y/n please"
"Leave me alone!"
Jake "I promise I'll make it up to you"
"Let go of me Jake, I don't wanna hear it please I'm done"
Jason "you heard her, let go now"
Jake "ohohoh now he comes to rescue her like the good prince he is"
Jason "don't do this Jake, let her go and this never happened"

Jake lets go of my hand and goes face to face with Jason

Jake "or what...you're gonna beat me?"
Jason "don't push me"
Jake "oh right, you're the underground battler, the professional fighter I could never compete"

He acts like he's leaving but turns around really fast to punch Jason, except the fact that Jason grabbed his fist and tightened it so hard making Jake fall to his knees.

Jason "I told you not to push me Jake, we already know who's the strongest between me and you. Don't make a fool out of yourself"

He makes Jake stay there and calls for me, as soon as I go close to him he puts an arm around me and leads me to his car. I text the others that we're leaving so they don't worry.

In the car

Jason "are you okay?"
"I guess, why is he acting like that?"
Jason "Jake is weird, he acted the same way two years ago with another girl"
"What happened?"
Jason "her new boyfriend got him to the hospital. I know Jake in your school might seem like a strong mf who beats everyone up, but outside? Trust me the fights on the road are different."
"And you seem to know a lot about those fights"
Jason "not everyone had a life like Jakes and Theo's, my parents were never there for me. My father was an alcoholic and my mother a whore, so I chose the street lifestyle. Guys in the underground accepted me, they taught me everything. But I'm not strong thanks to them, I'm who I am thanks to me. They just taught me the basics, I did the rest."
"I see"
Jason "I hope this doesn't scare you off kitten"
"Oh please, I love some action"
Jason "do u tho?"
"Is this some kind of a test?"
Jason "you wanna go home or do smth fun"
"Something fun"
Jason "perfect"

He makes a quick turn in the middle of the road and drives to somewhere else. After a few minutes we reach a dark road, he parks the car in a narrow street and we get out of the car. We make our way to what seems like an underground fight club, with a big ring in the middle, blood stains everywhere.

"Wow"Jason "this is where I grew up""Damn, it must've been hard"Jason "for a five year older coming here without any support? Yeah it was""How did you find this place"Jason "heard a few kids outside of my school talking about the biggest battle th...

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Jason "this is where I grew up"
"Damn, it must've been hard"
Jason "for a five year older coming here without any support? Yeah it was"
"How did you find this place"
Jason "heard a few kids outside of my school talking about the biggest battle that was going down, I followed them all the way here and saw to huge men fighting with bare hands. Blood everywhere, people screaming, money flying."
"Sounds horrible"
Jason "it is, but the adrenaline you have when you get in that ring, knowing you've got nothing to lose, I'm telling you kitten...it's amazing"
"Do you still fight down here?"
Jason "no, I stopped last year. They gave me this ring"

He showed me the ring on his finger, it was gold with a black circle and some weird drawings on it.

"And what does this represent?"
Jason "when you win every single battle, beat the strongest among them all they give you this. This is like a sing of freedom."
"I get it now, so you're free and u don't have to fight down here anymore"
Jason "exactly, I reached my goal so I'm here now. You wanna know how I met Jake?"
Jason "hahaha, I met him here. That idiot wanted to fight one of the weakest down here but lost miserably so I took him out and told him to never come back"
Jason "come on let's go now"

We made our way back to the car and the rest of the journey was silent, until we reached his house...

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