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I woke up by the feeling someone was watching me, and as I turn around in my bed I see Jason looking at me.

Jason "you're finally awake kitten"

"And I see you've been awake for a while hm" I ask him as I stretch my arms

Jason "just woke up like 10 minutes ago...how are you feeling?"

"Sore, but besides that good." I blush as soon as I said those things to him

Jason "glad I did a good job then" he looks at me and winks

"Oh you sure did"  I'm blushing more now, where am I getting this confidence from??

He smirks and comes close to me obviously wanting to kiss but I back away, and he looks at me with a confused face "what's wrong?"

"I haven't washed my teeth Jay" I cover my mouth with my left hand

Jason "and?" He raises a brow

"And I'm not gonna kiss you with the taste of my early morning breath..." I look at him disgusted even of the thought so I decide to get up from bed, but he pulls me back down with his arm wrapped around my waist.

Jason "first of all, you taste amazingly...everywhere and second of all, I don't give a shit so.." and he smashes his lips against mines until he's hovering over me, but we can't have sex, not now. So I push him gently away.

"Sorry but we can't have sex now"

Jason "ofc...the pill" he soon remembers "let's get ready and go to the pharmacy, I'll take you"

"Oh no its okay I can go by myself, you don't need to come" I shake off as I'm getting out of bed and walking to my closed looking for something comfortable to wear but still stylish.

Jason "but I wanna come kitten, no one is forcing me" he stops and looks at me "you look hot

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Jason "but I wanna come kitten, no one is forcing me" he stops and looks at me "you look hot. Come with me, I need to get changed and we can go" he says as he wears only his grey sweatpants...

I follow after him and close the door behind us, some neighbors are outside and when they see Jason getting out of my house only wearing that they look a little shocked, I lower my head and run after him and as soon as we get in his house I close the door fast as fuck.

I shake it off and wait for Jason while laying on his couch. Shortly after he comes downstairs and we head to the pharmacy, during the road in the car he keeps one hand on my thigh while the other stays on the steering wheel.
After we arrive and get inside I buy the next day's pill and take it right away, but instead of leaving Jason comes close to my ear and whispers "what about the birth control pills" and I look towards the cashier "excuse me can I have the birth control pills?" She looks at me and smiles "is this your first time taking them?"

"Yeah, I wanna start taking them" I say with a soft smile

"Okay so I can actually talk to u a little before deciding what to buy. There are the pills that you must take every day for 28 days, and at the 29th day you start the new pack of pills. There also is the patch birth control, you can place it on your buttock, lower abdomen, upper body or upper outer arm. You must apply it to skin that's clean and dry and avoid areas of the skin that are red, irritated or cut."

"Hmm, what do you recommend?" I tilt my head a little waiting for an answer since I'm no expert on this

"I would actually suggest the patch.. The birth control patch prevents pregnancy by releasing hormones into your bloodstream that keep your ovaries from releasing an egg . The birth control patch also thickens cervical mucus to keep sperm from reaching an egg, the most of the girl that come here for the birth control usually buy the patch since it's even more comfortable because you have to wear a patch for 1 week , then take off that patch and put on a new one. Change your patch once a week for 3 weeks straight. On week 4, don't wear a patch at all cause in that week it's supposed that you'll get your period."

"What if my period doesn't come?" Worried

"There's a really low risk to get pregnant with the patch honey, but if you see that the period isn't coming then run and take a test" she smiles at me

"Okay I'll buy the patch package" I turn to face Jason and he grabs my waist to pull me closer

She hands me the package and I give her the money, then we leave and stop by at starbucks since we haven't eaten anything.
Once we sit down I let out a sigh of relief and look at Jason, "I need to ask you something"

Jason "sure kitten" he looks at me while he takes a sip of his iced coffee

"What are we? Like, we flirt, we hang around...we fuck but we're nothin. What is the plan?" I look at him, but he just puts down his coffee and smiles at me before grabbing my hand

Jason "I thought it was clear kitten" I'm confused


Jason "that I own you"

Oh my god my stomach is filled with butterflies right now and I believe my face is completely red.

Jason "I made it clear that night didn't I? When I said you're mine, mine to please, my bitch in bed and now I'm telling you that I fucking own you. If you ever watch another man the way you watch me, I'll make sure to beat him up and teach you a lesson. And if another guy ever looks your way, or tries to even talk to you I'll make him suffer. We clear?"

"As crystal...so you have any rules on what should I wear when we go out or idk some else?" I drink my cappuccino and bite my croissant as I wait for him to answer

Jason "oh kitten wear whatever you want to wear, I can fight did u forget that detail?"

We laugh and keep eating our breakfast in peace. Well, I guess I've got a boyfriend now😝

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