chapter 16

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[Sorry for the wait, things have been hectic these past few weeks]

Vanitas stirred awake, groaning slightly as he felt around for a certain Blue Moon vampire. Only feeling the hard bed, he opened his eyes, blinking slowly and looking around in a confused manner.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." A tired voice called out to the boy.

The vampire was sitting near the almost extinguished flames and glanced at him over her shoulder, the dark circles under her eyes were a clear indicator she lacked sleep.

Vanitas' eyes narrowed, his face contorted into a frown, "You look like hell." He commented.

Rolling her eyes, Y/n retorted, "You sure know how to make a woman feel special."

The male sat up and with a raised brow, he crossed his arms, "Did you rest?"


"Don't do that, don't lie to me."

"I did rest! For a few minutes, sure, but it still counts." She mimicked his actions, folding her arms over her chest defensively.

Vanitas rolled his eyes at her, it was too early to argue. His gaze landed on the pile of clothes folded neatly at the edge of the bed.

"The fire is dying out and it'll get cold in here soon, get dressed before you get sick again. I'll wait for you outside."

Before the male could say anything, she grabbed her cloak and walked out, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He stared at the door for several seconds before his eyes dropped back down to the pile of clothes.

He thought about last night. The vampire wasn't aware that he had woken up in the middle of the night, nor was she aware that he saw her clutching a bracelet. It was new, she hadn't worn it before in Paris. In his disorientated state, Vanitas was unable to comprehend the words she spoke, but the look on her face said enough.

Even while ill, Vanitas was sure of one thing. Y/n blamed herself from the very beginning. And to some degree, he related to her. The constant feeling of being unworthy of anything positive that happens, having to be strong so others aren't burdened or feel worried, the horrid memories plaguing them and the persistent intrusive thoughts. Vanitas knew about it all too well, especially the self-loathing that was present in both their lives for as long as they could remember.

The vampire was guarding the door while she waited for the male to get dressed. Y/n wasn't concerned about the lack of sleep, it wasn't the first time it happened and she doubted it would be the last.

She heard the light crunch of the snow a few ways away and summoned her scythe. Johann's head popped up from behind a tree. He saw her and smiled brightly.

"Dante! I found Y/n!" Johann was quick to hug her.

Dante and Jeanne joined them. The pale, short-haired woman approached her while simultaneously pushing away the dhampir holding the woman, cupping her face gently and taking in her tired, but otherwise well-kept appearance.

"Thank goodness, you don't seem to be hurt." The bourreau's voice was soft and her hold was surprisingly gentle.

"How about you, Jeanne? Are you injured?"

"I'm well, fortunately. I bumped into your companions about an hour into their search for you and Vanitas."

"Speaking of the Quack, where is he?" Asked Dante.

"Inside, getting dressed."

"I told you she wouldn't kill him!" Johann said while draping an arm over his friend's shoulder, "Dante here bet you'd be at each other's throats within an hour."

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