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[ 6.07 ]

The entire gang was already gathered in the Magic Box when Buffy walked in for the day. Willow and Tara were over by the counter while Anya and Teddy were restocking some of the shelves. Giles was reading at the table while Kitty and Xander were eating donuts — they had to be purchased from the bakery now that Kitty had been fired.

But that was okay because she was busy putting a pink pair of laces on the new shoes she had to wear at work. All the new job entailed was sitting at the counter, getting people the size shoes they wanted, and then spraying them with some kind of cleaner once they returned the bowling shoes. The perks weren't nearly as good as the free pastries from the bakery, but she did get to bowl for free twice a month, which Xander was very stoked about.

"Good morning, Buffy," Giles greeted brightly as she walked into the shop.

"Oh, hey, did Dawn get off to school all right?" Willow asked her.

"What?" Buffy asked, seeming a bit distracted. "Oh, uh, yeah. I think so."

Kitty looked up from her laces to watch Xander with a smile. He was making his pastries battle it out on a plate. "Respect the cruller. And tame the donut!"

"That's still funny, sweetie," Anya said, patting his shoulder while en route to the counter.

"So, uh, no research? Nothing going on? Monsters or whatnot?" Buffy asked. Giles simply shook his head while reaching for a donut. "Good! Good. Uh, so, did anybody... uh, last night, you know, did anybody, um... burst into song?"

Everyone stared at Buffy for a moment, taking in what she said. Then everyone came over, all talking over each other.

"Merciful Zeus!" Xander exclaimed.

"We thought it was just us!" Willow said, nodding to Tara.

"Well, I sang but I had my guitar at the apartment," Giles admitted.

"Me, Willy, and a few of the guys had a little barbershop quartet thing going on," Teddy said, grinning at the memory.

"It was bizarre," Tara went on. "We were talking and then it was like—"

"Like you were in a musical!" Buffy said, relieved that she wasn't the only one.


"That would explain the huge backing orchestra I couldn't see and the synchronized dancing from the neighbors through the window," Giles muttered with a frown.

"We did a whole duet about dishwashing," Willow revealed.

"And we were arguing and, and then everything rhymed and there were harmonies and the dance with coconuts," Anya added.

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