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Taehyung dribbles the ball across the court as he passes through the opponent like a wind and made a basket so smoothly it felt like his way of living.

Well he isn't the champion of the team for nothing, this was just practice but he doesn't slack around. He could hear the few crowd that came to watch them practice cheer loudly. They are usually here to pass time by watching sweaty, half naked boys run around the court.

The thought caused him to roll his eyes but another thought immediately made him look towards the gathering.

Brown hair. Around 179cm tall.

He looked intently to maybe catch a similar feature and the group of girls in the gathering started squealing and screaming seeing the great Taehyung give them attention.

The basketballer looked away when he didn't see what he was searching for.

Some of his team mates came to give him high fives for the score which he returned but quickly walked to a bench to take a rest while giving other teammates who were sitting on the bench a chance to join the practice.

You see. Taehyung is not really a social person, he avoids people as much as he can because people either get close to him for his popularity while others just want to get a piece of the popular and handsome guy.

So aside Jimin who has been his friend since childhood and someone he couldn't get rid off, he doesn't have other friends.

He tried dating but it was always the same thing, the girls are super clingy in school obviously for the attention and becomes distant after school while some just want to confirm if he was as good In bed as the rumor claims.

In the end, no one has ever taken their time to know him personally, no one understood how he an extreme introvert and hates too much attention. If it wasn't for his obsession with basketball he would have quit the game to avoid being in the spotlight all the time but he had long learnt to drown the staring eyes and mumbling voice behind him.

Thinking about this, the thought of Jungkook came to his mind. Would it be possible that Jungkook knew him for real or was it just the superficial information like every other person knows.

A second update is coming up!

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