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It was a bright day and one to celebrate as well.

They were finally graduating!

It's been 5 months since the night under the pouring rain.

"We made it, Tae!" Jimin jumped on the others back in excitement.

Taehyung returned his smile "We made it."

"Whoa! Are all this flowers for you?!" Jimin exclaimed at the number of bouquets sitting around the younger.

"Mmh" taehyung responded not finding it as anything new, he got alot of these during valentine, his birthdays or when they win a match all through his year in school. Though this was alot more but still nothing new

"I envy you my friend" one of his teammates exclaimed picking up one of the flowers and proceeded to read out the card out loud to which they all awwed, oo-ed, or clinched at.

"Your parents couldn't make it?" Jimin asked with a frown to which Taehyung just shrugged

"Still out of the country" he answered receiving a hug from one of his teammates who was congratulating him.

"Seriously! They couldn't even spare a day to celebrate with their only child! Those old folks are getting on my last nerve!" Jimin flared.

"That's fine, I'm used to it" Taehyung gave him a reassuring smile causing Jimin to feel more angry at those Mr & Mrs Kim.

"There is an after party, we hope you will be joining us ex captain?!" Jackson came in excitedly.

"Of course, he will be coming" Jimin piped in glaring at his best friend who was giving him the disapproving look.

"Good then..."

"Whoaaaaaaa!!!!" One of the team mates who was reading the cards on the flowers exclaimed.

"Look at this mountain of bouquet, Kim!" Another exclaimed struggling to lift the giant bouquet of white roses.

"Whoaaaa!" Jimin and Jackson exclaimed as well.

"The person should have sent this as cash, do you know how much this would cost!" Another team mate exclaimed going ahead to start counting the the rose as another pulled out his phone to calculate.

Taehyung looked away from the flower wondering when this event will end so he can go back to his apartment. There will be no need to rush in packing since he isn't going to meet anyone back at home.

"Wait. There is a card too" Jackson noted and one of the team mates, the one who took it upon himself to read out all the cards that afternoon pulled out the card which he first silently read and started wiping away invisible tears.

"Stop been dramatic and read it out" the second teammate said as they all four silently anticipated the poem written for this beautiful bouquet.

"Taehyung I think you should see this" he said to the other who didn't look at them.

So he decided to read it out.

"I don't know what number of note this is because staring at a blank note is exactly how I feel right now.

I want to apologize for not keeping my promise to make you mine.... You have always been out of reach.

I am also sorry for not been completely happy on a day to celebrate with you...

I can't rewrite again, sorry.

I wish you the best in your next step of life, if we meet in the future I promise never to let you go again.

Congratulations papi.


Taehyung who was secretly listening to the note been read aloud froze for a second before regaining his senses and rushed to collect the note.

"Who dropped this?" He asked

"A boy, I don't know him. Do you?" The team mate said throwing the question to his other friends around who shoke their head as well confirming not to know who the person was

"When did he drop it?"

"About 10 minutes ago, not sure"

Taehyung looked around frantically and was about to run out on them and go searching but then halt in his steps.

He sighed. He had already promised to stop chasing this ghost of his imagination.

"Wait, that note got your attention? I have cuter and more romantic ones here" the teammate said not knowing what is going on meanhile Jimin and Jackson looked worried fir the younger.

Taehyung walked back to his seat and collected his things "I'm going home" he said

"Already? But the celebration is not over yet" Jimin said in a soft voice but taehyung ignored him.

"Bro, are you not taking any of the flowers? Not even this gaint bouquet of white roses" his teammates asked in shock.

Taehyung halted for a second but continued walking

"Y'all can keep them" he said before walking out leaving the other boys speechless.

Jimin turned to the bouquet of white roses, looking at it with an unreadable expression.


ll your theories were cute, 90% of you really believe Jungkook was real. That's good.

See y'all soonest

I purple you

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