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Taehyung rushed out after wearing something comfortable. He could see the car was different from the younger's usual car. This one was a sports car with an open roof, best for the night drive.

"H-hey" Jungkook nervously said hoping taehyung did not think of him as a creep. Who would drive down to someone house before asking them if they want to go out.

"You know you never seize to surprise me" Taehyung said with an airy laugh climbing into the car meanwhile Jungkook was frozen like a status at the sight of what the older was wearing.

Taehyung was wearing a two piece which was a hoodie shirt a-and and shorts. Literal shorts! Taehyung had worn a fucking short that were above his knees and sitting down made it rise up to his mid thigh and damn those thighs. Jungkook had to use all his will power to pull his eyes away from them thighs.

"Where to?" Taehyung asked after fastening his seat belt completely unaware of the struggles his shorts was causing the younger boy.

"No particular destination in mind" the younger said with a smile before putting the car on drive.

Taehyung finally saw what the younger was wearing. He was wearing jeans which were ripped with his skin showing and then a white big t-shirt and sunglasses probably for the winds.

This is probably the first time taehyung is seeing him in casual outfits and damn does he look good, boyish and younger. He smiled at the sight putting on his sunglasses as it was getting more windy.

The air blew against their hair as Jungkook drove through the calm road and with the way the air was getting cooler as they drove it meant they were approaching the sea.

Jungkook did not fail to steal a quick peek at his crush who was looking like the main character of his life with the wind blowing against his hair and his hands out the window feeling the wind against his fingers. Taehyung is just too effortlessly beautiful.

The drive was quiet as both males enjoyed the sight and wind blowing against their face and hair.

The younger drove towards the open beach slowing down so they can enjoy the view. He looked at Taehyung who nodded with a smile as if agreeing with his unasked question if they could take a walk. He smiled happily and pulled over, driving to a suitable place they could park.

They both climbed off the car, taehyung using his sunglasses to push his hair off his face. They slowly walked towards the water with Jungkook having the urge to hold the older's hands but went against it.

They both quietly admired the reflection of the moon on the surface of the sea as the wind blew their emotion everywhere.

Jungkook was seriously fighting the urge to confess his feelings. He sighed raising his head to stare at the moon directly.

He just met taehyung after five years just three weeks ago. The sudden disconnection back then to just finding out that taehyung likes some other boy. He shouldn't risk getting rejected right?

B-but, how long is he going to hold on to this feeling? Is he going to give up without even trying?

He closed his eyes and let the wind blow his thoughts around before sighing.

"I like you"

Dead silence was what followed the word that suddenly came out of Jungkook's mouth and he squeezed his eyes tight scared of what might come after, a few painfully long seconds passed without a response from the older causing him to sigh again.

"You know that crush of mine I mentioned?" He continued, ready to risk it all "The same boy I have crush on and stalked for years back in college" he continued when he didn't hear any word coming from Taehyung and didn't dare turn around because he was scared to look at the older. "It has always been you, Taehyung" he felt a heavy weight leave his chest and suddenly feel so light for finally confessing.

Trouble | Taekook FFWhere stories live. Discover now