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The new week started and Jimin made sure to drag Taehyung back to school.

Taehyung decided it's time to stop wallowing in self pity and pick up the piece of his life and continue schooling plus finals are coming in a few months.

He went to classes and practiced as quietly as usual, people tried to talk to him but as usual he doesn't interact much. He appreciated that Jimin was around more often, they would drive to school together and sometimes return to his apartment together.

It was a Tuesday and they didn't have basketball practice so Jimin decided they had lunch at one of their favorite spots.

They barely placed their orders when Jimin received a call and excused himself outside. He returned just two minutes later.

"Tae, can I..." Jimin nervously tried to ask

"Yea, you can go. We will just hang out tomorrow" he quickly interrupted not wanting the older to feel bad about cancelling their outing.

"I'm so sorry, I promise to make it up to you" the older of them said apologically giving the younger a quick side hug before hurrying out of the cafe.

He waving the waiter to come take his order. A teenage girl soon arrived at his desk with a small note pad and pen to take his order

After the waiter left, he pulled out his new phone to check what was on Instagram. Jimin had insisted he gets rid of the old phone since it was giving him nightmares and he had bought this new one few days ago.

He got a notification of Jimin's post and a smile broke out at his silly friend.

Jimin posted a picture of Taehyung and captioned it

"I will make it up to you, bestie

He scrolled through the social media ignoring the message and follow request notifications. His lunch arrived causing him to put his phone away.

He tried to enjoy his meal alone while staring out to the busy road. He saw kids coming back from school in groups, laughing and probably talking about the funny incidents that happened in school.

They were couples as well, some just casually holding hands while walking, then a couple caught his attention.

He stared at them for a while not very sure why, the boy maybe still a teen gave the girl a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolate with a familar brand. Taehyung frowned as he kept staring at the couple when it sudden clicked.

He hurriedly pulled out his wallet and placed enough money to cover the cost of his meal before rushing out of the cafe into his car.

The reason why he has been staring at the couple was because the box of chocolate was familiar and he remembered received a gift of chocolates and flowers from Jungkook when he got injured.

That cannot be imaginary... right?


He didn't bother to pack his car properly before rushing towards his door.

He has definitely finished the chocolate and the flowers already withered but he kept the bag used to deliver the chocolate and flowers Because it was branded and looked expensive.

He went into his kitchen and checked the cabinets but it wasn't there, he went ahead to his bedroom and checked the wardrobes. After checking for a while he saw it.

He saw the branded bag.

He quickly pulled it out discarding everything inside on the floor as he walked back into his sitting room. He place the bag on the coffee table pulling out his phone, he scanned the bag and he was right it was an expensive brand.

Here was the spark of hope.

Hope he shouldn't be holding on to but....

But, he has to find out if he really was going crazy, if he really didn't exist, if- if this feeling were also just his imagination.

He needs the card that came with the gift, he could use it to find out who sent the package.

After checking his for a while, he saw the card that said.

"If pain could be shared I would have taken gladly taken yours.

But since I am helpless all I can say is 'Get well soon' papi, wish I could take care of you myself"


Taehyung has never felt so relieved in his life before. His knees gave up on him so he gently sat on the floor of his bedroom still holding the note close to his chest.

"I am not crazy. He was real. He is indeed real." He cried out in relief.

He quickly picked up his phone and immediately dialed Jimin's number.

"Hey hyung?" He hurriedly said immediately he saw the older's face appear on the screen.

"Tae, is something wrong? I just left you not l..."

"Hyung, do you see this? He asked bringing the piece of note to the screen for the older person to see.

"Yes? What is it? I'm busy..." Jimin asked confused.

"You see this piece of note and can read it, right?" Taehyung said watching as Jimin looked more intently at the piece of note before looking at Taehyung with a worried expression.

"I received this package from that time I got injured and I just checked and it is still here, so this must mean that it wasn't all in my head and Jungkook was real somehow. I can go to this shop at *** ** and ask for his details and just maybe I will be able to know what's going on" Taehyung said in one breath while pacing up and down his room.

Jimin was quiet all along before he spoke.

"Okay, you should go and check. I think this store is half way across town so it will be best to go tomorrow as it is almost getting dark" Taehyung nodded at that.

"Okay then, I will speak to you later. Let me know how it goes" the older said before hanging up.

Wait till tomorrow. Wait till tomorrow?

Taehyung wouldn't possibly be able to sleep tonight if he waited till tomorrow which is why he is in his car driving to said luxury store.



Let's see how many we can upload today!

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