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"Taehyung? What is going on?" Jimin asked worried

"I don't know, I was just chatting with him when you arrived" taehyung explained as his frown deepened. He went to his blocked contacts.

But he didn't block him?

He scrolled though the few contacts he blocked but their was no familiar name or profile picture.

"You are pulling my legs, right?" Jimin asked "I know I have been a shitty friend but you shouldn't be pulling such jokes, I was really happy for you there" Jimin rolled his eyes as he picked up the controllers for the game to select a character.

"But I wasn't joking?" Taehyung mumbled to himself still staring at his phone like it's a strange object. He turned the phone around to be sure it was his own phone he was holding at the moment.

"Jimin, I am serious. I was chatting with Jungkook just when you knocked on my door and we have been talking for over a month now" Taehyung explained to his friend or more to himself.

Jimin turned to his best friend and scanned his face to be sure he was been serious. And he could see that the younger was serious causing him to sigh.

"So what happened? Did you maybe delete your chat or what?"

"I didn't. And I have checked my blocked list just Incase I did but nothing" taehyung responded still scrolling through his contacts.

"Have you guys talked on voice or FaceTime?"


"How did he get your number because we both know only a few person's have your contact"

"I don't know, I never asked?"

"And that wasn't weird to you?"

"What are you trying to say, Jimin?" Taehyung asked in annoyance

'That this Jungkook might all be in your head, and you might have conjured him out of your imagination which because clear as a third person needed to see his proof of existence"

Jimin wanted to say to his best friend because he knew taehyung is not someone that would entertain a complete stranger, talk more of suddenly liking a boy? He must have been too lonely, Jimin felt terrible for been a bad friend.

"Nothing, I am not trying to say anything. Come on, let play a few rounds before I head home"

Taehyung just stared at his friend hoping for him to say he was not going crazy and then he stared at his phone that looked like a foreign object before placing it aside and picking up the game controller.

His head is completely blank.

He can not phantom what the hell just happened. How can Jungkook become non existent all of a sudden.



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