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"Jimin?" Taehyung asked in surprise at seeing his best friend sitting beside his door, legs pulled to his chest burying his head in-between them.

"T-Tae.." The older cried out at finally hearing the younger's voice after waiting for a long time.

"Hey hey, I'm here" Taehyung quickly scrunched down to engulf the crying male in his arms and Jimin didn't hold back throwing all of his body at his best friend.

"It's cold out here, why are sitting outside" taehyung asked worried.

"I have been ringing the bell for almost an hour but you weren't responding and the door was locked from inside so I couldn't use my key" The older explained in a small voice. He sounded drained, like he has been crying for a long time and would break down anytime soon.

Taehyung noticing this change pulled the older up and helped him inside the house. He sat the older on a couch with him sitting on his knees Infront of him.

"What is wrong? Why were you crying?" He asked softly feeling a little pain watching his best friend looking this drain from crying.

Jimin looked up at him holding the gaze for mere seconds before breaking down again. He covered his face with his both palms and sobbed loudly.

Something switched inside of Taehyung at the sight. Jimin never cried or looked this broken in all years they have known each other. He was the happy bubble in their friendship the day brightener.

The switch he feels is that one that say 'im going to kill anyone who made you cry like this'.

Jungkook walked into the sitting room  probably from the sobbing sound and was also surprised to see the older crying that much before looking at his boyfriend as a gesture asking what was wrong.

Taehyung just shoke his head as per he didn't know yet before pulling his best friend into his arms to give him a shoulder to cry on.

"It's okay, you can cry as much as you want. I'm here" he encouraged and the older cried harder

Jungkook gulped at the gesture. No he wasn't jealous, that wasn't it. What Jimin makes him feel each time he is close to taehyung is inferior, envious because he knows deep down that he will always be second place to his boyfriend when it came to his best friend.

This he had accepted but that doesn't stop the punch of pain that comes whenever he is in their presence. The two best friend's chemistry and bond is so strong and he still can remember how they were the talk of the whole school. Everyone envied them. He himself admired how Jimin could make taehyung do anything for him then and respected their friendship but....

The youngest walked back into the room to give both friends privacy.

After a couple minutes Jimin stopped crying and Taehyung brought him a bottle of cold water to calm his nerves.

"So you want to share what's wrong" he asked the older and it felt like those rare moments where he acted as the older of the two. His face emotionless as he tries to know what's wrong before getting angry at whatever was making the older cry.

"You don't have be so serious" Jimin chuckled at the sight of a serious taehyung but the younger was not having it.

He sighed looking away from the younger "It's Yoongi" he started bowing his head

"He asked me to marry him...." he added with his voice breaking at the end.

Taehyung sighed in relief to hear it's just a relationship problem.

"What is wrong with that?"

"I don't wanna get married, Tae" he said in a small voice "I'm not ready for that commitment"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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