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Taehyung dragged himself to the door where the person behind it wouldn't stop banging on the door which was terrible to his banging head.

He opened the door to a fumbling Jimin.

"I have been knocking for almost an hour! Do you know how worried I am? I almost called for help to break down the door!" Jimin yelled out his frustrating at the younger

"Will you stop yelling" Taehyung mumbled

"I will yell as much as I want! I didn't seen you all the weekend, you didn't come to school today either and your number is not going through. Do you know how worried I was and you have the guts to tell me to stop yelling!"

"Don't pretend like you care and please leave me alone." Taehyung mumbled as he laid on the couch pulling the blanket to cover his head but Jimin yanked the blanket away not having that attitude of his.

"What do you mean 'pretend like I care?! Don't get on my last nerve Kim Taehyung!" Jimin was angry at this point.

Taehyung flared up at hearing the older's angry voice

"Do you care?! All you fucking care about is that boy friend of yours! Leaving me to rotten away knowing very well how you are my only friend in this town and you have the FUCKING audacity to get angry at me!"

"But you know I car.." Jimin tried to reason more calmly

"No. You. Don't. If you cared you would be around once in a while and I wouldn't have conjured up an imaginary friend!" Taehyung yelled out before storming into his bedroom and jamming the door very loudly to indicate that Jimin should stay out.

Jimin stood there frozen at his friend's rightful accusations.

They both grown up together, went to same school and Taehyung had to apply for same college together Just because Jimin didn't want to go alone.

He joined the basketball team because Jimin wanted to play with him and became captain because Jimin cheered him on.

They didn't like sharing each other though they dated other it didn't change their friendship.

Between them Jimin was the open gay and dated more than Taehyung. Taehyung was more of an introvert who like his one friend and never saw the need to have a crowd of fake friends or relationships so he was indirectly dependent on Jimin for true companionship

Jimin started dating yoongi his biggest crush and that's where they kinda grew apart.

"Tae, can I come in?" Jimin whispered behind the closed bedroom door after standing there for a long few minutes.

He didn't hear a response which meant he wouldn't get a pillow thrown at him if he enters so he opened the door gently and walked inside.

He slowly climbed into the bed and cuddled up to his best friend and luckily didn't get pushed away.

After a few long seconds of silently cuddling he decided to speak up.

"So you conjured up an imaginary friend to replace me?" He said trying to lighten the mood but taehyung did not find that funny.

"I don't believe he is imaginary and even if he was. At least he was here and he cared" The younger said trying to push away the older for trying to crack a joke with a topic he was very sensitive about.

"I'm sorry. Sorry for being a bad friend, for not been here when you needed me. I will try to make it up to you, okay?" Jimin assured while comping through the younger's hair.

Taehyung turned around in the older's hold to face him. "You will have to make it up to me before I forgive you" he mumbled before buring his face into the older's chest causing Jimin to laugh while pulling him closer to himself.

"Where is your phone?" The older asked as he kept combing through the younger's hair.

"I think it's broken, I got startled and threw it across the room" Taehyung grumbled into his chest causing Jimin to sigh.

"I will just change it for you, maybe we should change the number if it makes you feel better"

Taehyung nodded to the suggestion, he doesn't really have important contacts in it. He will just call up his parents with the new one.

They stayed like that for a while. And those feeling came crawling up taehyung's spine.

"Hyung?" Taehyung whispered feeling his throat blocked as he fights the urge to break down in the arms of his best friend. Jimin hummed in response but the younger didn't speak for a while before

"I'm scared, hyung" the words came in a very tiny vulnerable sound breaking Jimin's heart and he held onto his best friend tighter.

"It's okay to be scared. You will be fine. We will get past this for sure, Together."

No, it will not be fine. He was not scared of the nightmares or the fact that he was probably hallucinating this past month of a completely nonexistent person.


What he was scared about was the strong feeling growing inside his heart.

Because after waking up from those nightmares, he spends the whole day longing and missing the person that  was just a frament of his imagination.

That is what scares him.



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