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Taehyung rested against his car in the packing lot after Jungkook texted him that he was coming down any second.

It's been over two hours since the close of business but Jungkook had a prolonged meetings which Taehyung used the opportunity to get some more work done and only came down when he saw people walking around the corridor meaning the meeting was over tho it took the younger another twenty minutes to text him he was joining him soon.

"Hey, sorry the meeting got longer than we expected" he heard the younger's beautiful alluring voice which sounded a little tired but the excitement overshadowed the tiredness.

"It's fine, I just came down myself" Taehyung returned the younger smile as he opened the passengers seat for Jungkook to get in.

"Oh, what a gentleman" Jungkook giggled as he got comfortable in the older car.

Taehyung smiled liking the sound of Jungkook's giggle, the beautiful sound made him look younger and boyish even with his expensive suit.

"Wait, what about your car?"

"The driver will take care of it" Jungkook responded fastening his seat belt "Where are we going?"

"I found a very fancy restaurant sometime back and was looking for the perfect time to go there"

"Fancy" Jungkook teased with a genuine smile "Hope I am dressed properly for the occasion? I should have rushed home..."

"You look perfect"

Jungkook nodded with a smile as they drove into the main city..


The waiter had left after taking their order to bring their appetizer.

The place was really fancy. Where they sat was an open roof top overseeing the beautifully lite up city. It's a really beautiful place and it would be perfect for a proposal.

Okay. Earth to Jungkook.

He however is very familiar with the place, he has had a business outing or two here in the past but never noticed it would be so romantic for a date.

Wait! This is a date right?

"Jungkook?" Jungkook heard the older call a little louder which earned his attention causing him to smile at him in response.

"Sorry what did you say?"

Taehyung chuckles at the way the younger tinted his head to the side curiously.

"I was asking if you are comfortable with the place"

"Yeah, it's very beautiful and that view is heavenly"

"I'm glad you like it" Taehyung nodded with a smile.

"So tell me about yourself"  Taehyung continued the conversation, that was the whole point of the whole date. To know Jeon Jungkook.

"What do you want to know?"

"Anything, Everything. Maybe start with your age"

Jungkook just stared at Taehyung for a while before biting his bottom lips to hid his smile. The question sounded to familiar.

"Why? You have problem with age gap?" Jungkook teased

Trouble | Taekook FFWhere stories live. Discover now