Reading comments.

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Heya, I'm just gunna read some comments and share my thoughts on them. I'll go through chapter by chapter.

W-W-What?! comments:If there wasn't any good cover are THEN MAKE YOUR OWN!

The thing is, I'm a crappy drawer. As you can see on previous chapters.

Merry Christmas everyone! (Or in this case, merry Ticklemas.) comments:

Where The madness Combat gang?

Idk, I guess I forgot them... Let's say they where some where else or somethin'.

"G-Guys, this isn't what it looks like!" comments:

The way you describe them is...a bit suspiciously specific

This one made me smile for some reason idk. Also seems like a R/suspiciously specific post.

Madness tickle combat part 1 comments:

Me when I see Deimos, Sanford and Hank at The Photo:Ah yes, this is The best crossover ever

Eh, I wanted to do something different. I was into Madness Combat at the time and thought: "Eh seems like a chapters worth of a story." 

And that'll be about it for now. I'll probably do this if it gets enough comments again.

Also sorry for not posting for a while. I've been busy with school and stuff like that.

Anyway I'll see you soon.

See ya!

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