Chapter 3

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I had finally arrived in Jamaica and I was ready to begin my much needed vacation. CoCo and Quay were already at the house, and I was excited to finally see them. We were staying at an all inclusive private mansion, equipped with a private driver and on call private chef.

I made my way over to the shuttle bus that would be taking me to the house. I looked out in awe as we drove down the road towards our location. Everyone and everything looked so beautiful, and I felt at peace just being there. None of the bullshit that I had going on back home mattered, I was finally in paradise.

We finally made it to the mansion and it was huge and beautiful. There were palm trees that decorated the long driveway, and beautiful flowers planted in the front. It had a contemporary modern look, and a huge resort style pool and hot tub in the back.

There was a lady waiting on me with a cocktail, and I thanked her as I took a sip. I walked inside and smiled at how captivating the interior was, from the big kitchen to the big entertainment room. I loved it all, and I was ready to begin my vacation.

"Mel is that you?" I heard CoCo call out as she walked towards the front.

We ran and hugged each other tightly as we spun in a circle. I hadn't seen her in about 10 months since my last trip to Atlanta. Her and Nas had gotten married four years ago, and they had my beautiful niece Carli about three years ago. One of the hardest things about being in Nashville was being away from CoCo, my right hand girl. I was happy that we would have this time to catch up and spend time together.

"Bitch I've missed you so much. We have so much to catch up on, but let me help you to your room. Quay is in the restroom, but we can talk in my room."

She helped me carry my suitcases to my room which was on the first floor, like I wanted. There was another room across from me that was vacant, since Lashon and Santana couldn't make it anymore.

Quay was laying down at the foot of her bed, and I gave her a hug as I sat down. They filled me in on how the rest of the gang either missed their flight or had a delayed flight. We soon began talking about our relationships and how things have been going for us.

"So Mel how have things been with Damian?"

I contemplated lying to Quay because I didn't want to hear their mouths, but I knew CoCo would read right through me.

"Honestly Quay I don't know where we stand. I'm tired of fighting and putting all this effort into a dead relationship. He lacks spontaneity and ambition, and lately he's been sneaky as hell. I want to let him go but I can't, he has done so much for me, but at what cost. I'm just really tired and I'm happy he couldn't make this trip. Maybe this will make me fall back in love with him, I don't even know." I didn't realize I was crying til I felt CoCo wipe my face, and hand me a tissue.

They both engulfed me in a hug before Quay began to speak.

"Mel you know I love you like a sister, so understand I say this with love. Damian cannot be your placeholder for the man you thought Malik was going to be. You have to learn to live by yourself and not rely on relationships to make you somebody. Mel when I first met you I was drawn to your aura. You walked into rooms and all eyes were on you. You had confidence and grace, and a very beautiful spirit. Whenever I've been around you and Damian, it's almost like he's draining all of that out of you. Girl you look defeated and tired, not like the beautiful confident Mel that I know. I was like you before with my baby daddy, I let that man take so much from me. He had me running the streets, fighting the bitches he would cheat on me with, only to be in their bed by the time end of the night. I swore up and down I was in love with him and he was my forever. Until one day I said enough was enough. I was eight months pregnant with Quinton when I found several women's names in his phone. I lost it and we got into a huge fight and I went into premature labor. I almost lost my baby behind bullshit, and from that day forward I made the decision to let him go. It was hard and I had moments where I would go back to him, but I finally put my foot down and closed that chapter of my life. Maybe your time is not now, but you are close to that point."

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