Chapter 12

186 11 4

Paige in MM


I was chilling with my boys in the living room, while ESPN played in the background. We were at Risse's place for her game night, and everyone was here, except Mel and her man. I had gotten ready at Kelly's place to avoid any run ins with her man. I hadn't seen her nigga since the blow up at her place, and I wasn't looking forward to seeing him now. On top of that, Kelly decided to bring Paige along, and I already knew that was going to end in disaster.

They both sat in the living room while the other girls were in the kitchen talking and heating up the food. Kelly didn't feel comfortable going in there, and Paige wasn't going to leave her side. Paige had tendencies to do the most, and she was a very flirtatious and sexual person. In the short time I had known her, she had come on to me multiple times, and it made me uncomfortable. I told Kelly about it, and she claimed that it was just her personality. I just hoped she was on her best behavior tonight.

The doorbell rang, and Risse rushed to answer it. I heard small chatter before Mel and her man appeared in the family room. Everyone got up to greet Mel as she made her way around the room, Damien only nodded as they made their way towards us.

I wasn't looking forward to this moment, but I promised Risse that I would be cool around him. Plus with being on probation, I couldn't afford to get into any trouble, especially since I wasn't trying to go back to jail.

"Hey Kelly, it's good to see you girl. I haven't seen you since Jamaica." exclaimed Mel as she stood in front of us.

Kelly didn't even acknowledge her, before looking over at Paige. I don't know what her problem was, but I started noticing this weird attitude that she had towards Mel ever since I moved into her place. She felt some kind of way about Mel saying that she couldn't spend the night, and she didn't like how her nigga came at me.

"Oh okay.. don't know what the attitude is for." Mel stated as she looked towards me.

"It's no attitude, I just don't like fake people, and I'm really not rocking with you."

"But where is all of this animosity coming from, we were cool in Jamaica, and you were just over my place, and you seemed fine. So again, what is the attitude for? From where I'm standing the only person being fake is you."

"Whatever..why are you still talking to me. You can go hang with your girls, no one told you to come over here."

"Malik please get your girl..I'm going to let you have it off the strength that your Malik's girl, but I'm not the one babes."

Before Kelly could even respond, Paige jumped up and hugged Damien, as if things couldn't get any worse.

"Boo I didn't even notice you over there. What are you doing here?"

He looked up from his phone and smiled once he saw Paige. She got up and gave him a hug that lasted longer than it should have.

"Wassup Paige, I thought you were working tonight?"

"No love, I work tomorrow night, but I'm here with my homegirl and her man. You should stop by and see me tomorrow night, you know I haven't seen you in a while. Plus I can make your fave drink, just how you like it." she said in a flirtatious tone.

"For sure I got you. I haven't stopped by to check on that lounge in a minute."

"Okay boo, I'll see ya then."

Mel cleared her throat as a look of annoyance played on her face.

"You wanna introduce me to your friend, boo? She stated sarcastically as she looked between them.

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