Chapter 6

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I was currently riding around with my uncle while we handled some business. I had made it back from Jamaica, and I was grateful for the trip with my family and friends. I wasn't ecstatic to see Mel, but suprisingly there weren't any more issues after our argument at dinner.

My uncle had the windows down and old school music blasting from his blue 1970 Chevy Cheville. We were on our way to his house and then afterwards I was meeting with Kelly.

We finally made it to our destination as we pulled into the driveway. My aunt had cooked lunch and I was hungry and ready to eat. She made smoked bbq ribs, Mac and cheese, baked beans, potato salad, green beans, and a lemon pound cake for dessert. She also made some homemade strawberry lemonade.

My uncle was telling me ever since she retired from the salon, she'd been taking up cooking and baking as a hobby. She had even started a tik tok cooking page and had thousands of followers.

"Hey aunty it smells good in here." I announced as I walked towards her and gave her a hug.

"Thanks son." She stated as she hugged me back.

We grabbed our plates and sat down to eat our food, we made small talk and I filled them in on what happened in Jamaica.

I noticed my aunt look at my uncle as I explained Mel and I's argument.

"Why are y'all looking like that?" I asked right when I finished my story, they both looked like they had something to say.

"Well you know I love you and you're like my son, so please don't take this the wrong way. You and Mel need to sit down like two grown adults and have a conversation. You don't have to be buddies at the end, but you both need to get to an understanding. It's not fair to everyone to be put in the middle of y'all's shit. I don't care who initiates the conversation, but for y'all's peace it needs to happen. Now I said the same thing to her when she came to pick up Queen earlier. What y'all had was deep, and you both are hurt by the situation, I get that. Just promise me y'all will fix this so you can coexist in a space without arguing and being nasty," said my aunt.

I stayed quiet because she had a point, but I wasn't ready to let my anger about the situation go.

"Well I agree with your aunt, which brings me to why we called you over here."

I nodded waiting for him to continue, it felt like he was going to say something I didn't want to hear.

"So prior to your release Nasir, Rico, and I had a conversation about your probationary period at the half way house. We were discussing who you could stay with because there's no way you can do two years at that place, I know first hand. You know Redd and I have records so you can't stay here. Your girl and Amber work for the state so that's a no go. Quay has a young son and she's a single mother, and they are going to give you a hard time about that. Everyone else lives in Atlanta, so that's a no, since you have to stay in Nashville, and that leaves one person Mel. I know y'all don't have the best history but she is your best option at the moment. Nasir told me he spoke to her and she would think about it, but I wanted to talk to you, and see where your head was at. So what do you think?"

I didn't know what to say, at this point I'd rather stay where I was, than move in and fight with Mel.

"I don't know unc. Me and her can barely stay in a room for five minutes without arguing. I don't want to live in a hostile environment, and I have to respect my girl. Let me think about it, okay."

"That's all I ask son, just think about it and let me know."

"Aight well I'm finna head out soon."

"Wait before you go I have something for you. I spoke with your PO and I was able to get your license reinstated for work purposes. Now I know your settling in, but we have to get you working so we can possibly shorten your time. You know I flip houses around town for single or struggling families, plus I offer affordable renovations for the community. Well I have someone that the pastor told me is looking to get someone to assist with remodeling and painting her house. Her name is Wilmarie Jean Patterson but she goes by Ms. Minnie, she's a firecracker but a sweet lady. I told her I have someone for the job if you are up to it."

I was shocked, I knew I had to start working to clean my record, and I was grateful for the opportunity.

"Yeah man I'll take the job, thanks unc."

"No problem nephew, I have one more thing to show you but we need to go outside."

We all got up and went outside and walked around to his garage. There was a big brand new all black Ford F-150, and it looked nice. It was all black everything with a spacious back seat and updated features.

"Unc this car is nice, who is it for?"

"You son, it's your work car but you can use it for whatever. Here is your keys and license, I already took care of the paperwork so your all set."

I hugged and thanked him before grabbing the keys from him. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I looked at my new car. My uncle and aunt had been taking care of me  since my mom was murdered, and no matter what they always came through for me. I was so appreciative of all that they did for me.

We talked for a little bit before I hopped in my car and drove off towards Kelly's house. I was in a good mood and was ready to see my girl.

I pulled up and parked in front of her building before climbing the stairs to her place. I knocked on the door and a girl opened it, she was beautiful with caramel brown skin and a slim thick build.

"Wassup is Kelly home?"

"Yeah she is come inside. My name is Paige by the way I live accross the way from her, and we're really close. She wasn't lying when she said you're tall and fine as hell, damn."

I smirked at her before walking inside, she was a mess. I noticed two guys on the couch chilling and watching tv. I knew one was her cousin who she told me was staying with her for some time,  and I didn't recognize the other guy. I still spoke and dapped them up before looking around for Kelly.

"Babe is that you I'm in the back." I heard her yelling from her room.

"Well I'm finna head out, hopefully I'll see your sexy ass around." Her friend said as she looked me up and down before walking out.

"Yeah we finna head out too, nice meeting you dawg." The other guy said before her cousin and him followed Paige out the door.

I made sure her door was locked before walking back towards her room. She wore a big black T-shirt and her hair was tied in a high ponytail and scarf.

"Who was the other guy with your cousin?"

"That's Antwon his best friend, he hangs out here from time to time."

I only nodded my head as she got up to hug me.

"I missed you baby, and I'm happy to see you. How was your day?"

I gave her a rundown of what I talked about with my uncle and my new job.

"I understand where your family is coming from, but I won't lie and say I feel comfortable with the idea. You and her have history, and I don't want anything coming between what we got. I love you a lot and I want us to work, but I also want you to be comfortable. I support whatever you decide to do, I'm secure in our relationship. Also congratulations on the new job baby, I'm so happy for you."

I smiled I was happy she was okay with the idea, and I understood her reservations. She had nothing to worry about because I was locked into this relationship, and I was feeling her too.

"You ain't got shit to worry about, it's me and you forever. What Mel and I had is done and over with, I don't see her that way and she damn sure don't see me that way. If I decide to go through with it, I'll let you know okay."

"Okay baby."

I kissed her on the lips and she took it further. One thing led to another, and we spent the rest of the night making love to eachother.

I was happy were I was at, and nothing was going to come between that.

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