Chapter 8

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I will make a separate chapter with Mel's home and the layout of it. I started to do that for this chapter but it was too long and it didn't flow. Enjoy 🤍


I didn't expect Mel to let me stay at her house, and I was still shocked that she said yes. I wasn't going to beg or force her, but it made me feel good to hear that she had agreed to take me in. My uncle and Nas called and told me the news a couple of days ago, and after getting everything squared away with my P.O we were all set.

She didn't speak much at the office, but I didn't think to much of it. Maybe this is what we needed to have a conversation about the past so we could move forward. I was angry with her when I got out and I harbored a lot of resentment, but I was willing to work through it with her. We had both moved on so us talking wouldn't hurt anything.

I was trailing behind her in my truck and we finally pulled into her neighborhood. She parked in her garage before stepping out and coming towards my truck.

I was captivated by her beauty as she stood outside my truck. Mel had this presence about her and she drawer you in with her beauty and class. I got lost in my thoughts as I looked her over. She looked beautiful in her black high waisted pants, nude heels, and her matching nude top. I knew I had to snap out of it, I had a girl and I didn't need any problems.

She cleared her throat before speaking..

"You can park out here for now. I typically go through the garage, but I want you to get the full house tour. Is there anything you need me to get from your truck."

"Nah I don't have much just a duffle bag and a suitcase. LB told me he's bringing Queen back, and he is also dropping off my stuff I left at his place and my uncles."

"He told me and that's fine. I can roll your suitcase if you want?"

"Nah I'm straight you can lead the way. Thanks tho."

She shrugged her shoulders as she turned and started heading towards the front of her house. It took everything in me not to stare at her ass. We made it to the front door and the scents of lemon and vanilla hit my nose. She had a beautiful home and everything was warm and welcoming.

To the right of the foyer was a study room and to the left was the dining room area. We walked down the hall and she showed me the laundry room, garage door, and half bathroom. Her kitchen and living room were spacious, and there were hidden stairs towards the back that led to the second floor. She walked me to my room and opened the door. It was a big room with a black bedroom set. There was a 40" tv mounted on the wall and a big black mirror in the corner. There was a medium sized walk in closet, and enough space to set up my shoes and clothes. I was surprised that she had a king size bed.

"Man Mel thank you so much. This room is really nice and I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Come on I have to show you the bathroom and the other rooms up here."

We walked across the open space towards another door. She opened the door and it led to a spacious bathroom. The walls were painted a dark sage green and there was a light wood style cabinet on the wall , and medium tone granite countertops. It had a very serene vibe and it felt peaceful. There was a walk in shower and a bowl style sink.

"I recently did some renovations and I was going for a peaceful bougie vibe."

"It's dope I like it."

She only smiled as she showed me the rest of the house before we went our separate ways. She wanted to change her clothes and shower before we went over the rules.

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